IS200TRLYH1C - Relay Output with Contact Sensing

IS200TRLYH1C - Relay Output with Contact Sensing IS200TRLYH1C - Relay Output with Contact Sensing

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Part Number: IS200TRLYH1C
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VI
Product Type: Relay Output with Contact Sensing
Number of relay channels: 6
Size: 17.8 cm wide x 33.02 cm high (7.0 in x 13.0 in)
Temperature: -30to+65oC(-22oFto149oF)
Availability: In Stock
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Repair: 3-7 Days
Manual: GEH-6421J


IS200TRLYH1C is a Relay Output Board with Contact Sensing manufactured and designed by Mark VI Series and used in gas turbine control systems. 12 plug-in magnetic relays are stored in TRLYH1C. To drive external solenoids, the first six relay circuits are Form-C contact outputs. For field solenoid power, a typical 125 V dc or 115 V ac supply with fuses and onboard suppression is offered. Twelve magnetic relays can plug into TRLYH2C. Form-C contact outputs are used in the first six relay circuits to power external solenoids. For field solenoid power, a typical 24 V dc supply is offered, complete with fuses and onboard suppression.

The next five relays (7–11) are isolated Form-C contacts that are not powered. For use with ignition transformers, output 12 is an isolated Form-C contact with a non-fused power source. Jumpers are used, for instance, to apply or remove the feedback voltage sensing on 12 NO contacts. The TRLYH1C and H2C boards are identical to the conventional TRLY board with the following exceptions:

  • There are six jumpers that were used to change the solenoid outputs to dry contact type. These jumpers were connected to the monitoring of the fuse.
  • The 12 relays now have a relay contact voltage monitoring device. Voltage suppression is a feature of individual monitoring circuits, and they can be isolated by removing the jumper that goes with them.
  • The NO and Sol terminals of the six solenoid driver circuits, as well as the output 12 of the special circuit, are covered by high-frequency snubbers.


The VCCC or VCRC board manages the TRLY in the Mark VI system. The VME rack where the I/O boards are installed and the terminal board are connected by cables with molded plugs. Systems in both simplex and TMR are supported. Simplex systems use plug JA1, while TMR systems use plugs JR1, JS1, and JT1.


The TRLY board and PDOA I/O packs function together in the Mark VIe system. Supported are PDOAs on JR1, JS1, JT1, or a single PDOA on JA1.


TRLYH1C Relay Output Terminal Board With Voltage Sensing

Fig 1: TRLYH1C Relay Output Terminal Board With Voltage Sensing


The following figure illustrates how the 12 relay outputs for the customer are wired directly to two I/O terminal blocks mounted on the terminal board. Each block has 24 terminals that may accommodate wires up to #12 AWG and are secured with two screws.

Directly to the left of each terminal block is a shield terminal strip connected to the chassis ground. Outputs 1-6's solenoid power is generally hooked into JF1. Power can be daisy-chained to other TRLYs via JF2. If JF1/JF2 is not plugged in, customer power can also be routed straight into TB3. JG1 powers the unique solenoid owned by the customer, Output 12.


TRLYH1C Terminal Board Wiring

Fig 2: TRLYH1C Terminal Board Wiring



Between the I/O board and TRLY through JA1, a cable delivers control signals as well as monitors feedback voltages during simplex operation. On the relay board are jumpers, fuses, and relay drivers installed. A 250 V MOV is installed between the normally open and power return terminals of Relays 1-6 to minimize transients.

Relays have a 3.0 A rating and are driven at the frame rate. 500 V ac is the rated contact-to-contact voltage for one minute, while 1,500 V ac is the rated coil-to-contact voltage. The normal operating time is 10 ms. When a cable is unplugged, the inputs vote to de-energize the associated relays thanks to failsafe mechanisms on the relay outputs. Similar to this, the relays de-energize if communication with the connected I/O board is lost.

TRLYH1C Circuits

Fig 3: TRLYH1C Circuits



  • At the frame rate, each relay's output (coil current) is monitored and compared to the command. An alarm latches if there isn't agreement for two consecutive checks.
  • A latching alarm is activated if the solenoid excitation voltage drops below 12 V dc. This value is monitored downstream of the fuses.
  • L3DIAG VCCC (or L3DIAG PDOA) is a composite diagnostics alarm that appears if any one of the outputs becomes unhealthy.
  • A hardware incompatibility fault is produced when an ID chip is read by the I/O processor and a mismatch is found.
  • The I/O pack or board searches for a unique ID device that is present on each terminal board connector. The connection ID is coded on a read-only chip that also has the serial number, board type, revision number, and the location of the JR1/JS1/JT1 connectors. The I/O processor generates a hardware incompatibility fault when it reads the chip and runs across a mismatch.


  • JP1 through JP12 are jumpers. Insert jumpers for the chosen relays if contact voltage sensing is necessary.
  • FU1–FU12, a set of 12 fuses. If electricity is required for relays 1-6, each power circuit supplying those relays should have two fuses installed. For instance, the terminal board wiring diagram shows that FU1 and FU7 supply relay output 1.

WOC has the largest stock of GE Mark VI Control System Replacement Parts. We can also repair your faulty boards. WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply unused and rebuilt backed up with a warranty. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your OEM needs. Our team of experts at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. For pricing and availability on any parts and repairs, kindly get in touch with our team by phone or email.



What is GE Mark VI IS200TRLYH1C?

IS200TRLYH1C is a Relay Output board with Contact Sensing used in gas turbine control systems.

How are boards packaged for shipment from WOC?

Parts are placed in antistatic packets and securely packed in ESD boxes cushioned with ESD Foam designed to safeguard electrical components.

How to Check Price and Availability For IS200TRLYH1C?

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