IS200VSVOH1BDB - Servo Control Board

IS200VSVOH1BDB - Servo Control Board IS200VSVOH1BDB - Servo Control Board

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Part No.: IS200VSVOH1BDB
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Magnetic PR pickup signal: Generates 150 V p-p
Active PR Pickup Signal: Generates 5 to 27 V p-p into
Size: 17.8 cm high x 33.02 cm wide (7 in. x 13 in.)
Power supply voltage: nominal 15 V dc
Product Type: Servo Control Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200VSVOH1BDB is a Servo Control Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. The Servo Control (VSVO) Board plays a crucial role in controlling four electro-hydraulic servo valves responsible for actuating steam/fuel valves. This system employs various components and connections to ensure precise control and monitoring.

Components and Functions

  • Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valves: The VSVO board controls four electro-hydraulic servo valves, which are essential for regulating the flow of steam/fuel through the valves.
  • Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT): Valve position measurement is facilitated by Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT), ensuring accurate monitoring of valve positions.
  • Position Loop Control Algorithm: The VSVO board integrates a position loop control algorithm within its firmware, enabling precise control over valve positions for optimal performance.
  • Hardware Current Regulator: A hardware current regulator is incorporated into the VSVO board to provide stable servo output current, ensuring reliable operation of the system.


  • Front Panel (J5 Plug): One of the three cables connects to the J5 plug on the front panel, facilitating communication with external systems or components.
  • Backplane Connections (J3 and J4 Connectors): The remaining two cables connect to the J3 and J4 connectors on the backplane, establishing internal connections within the system.

Terminal Boards

  • TSVO (Terminal Servo Valve Output): The four channels controlled by the VSVO board are divided between two servo terminal boards: TSVO (Terminal Servo Valve Output) and DSVO (Dual Servo Valve Output).
  • Connection Flexibility: Each VSVO board can connect to two TSVO terminal boards, while each TSVO terminal board can accommodate connections from up to three VSVO boards, providing flexibility in system configuration.

Signal Distribution

  • JR1 Connector: TSVO terminal boards provide simplex signals through the JR1 connector, enabling straightforward signal transmission within the system.
  • TMR Signal Distribution: Additionally, TSVO terminal boards fan out TMR (Triple Modular Redundant) signals to the JR1, JS1, and JT1 connectors, ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance.

Fault Detection

  • Servo Current Out-of-Limits: One triggering condition for initiating suicide servo outputs is when the servo current exceeds predetermined limits or fails to respond within expected parameters. This safeguard is crucial for preventing potential damage to components or unsafe operating conditions caused by excessive current draw or erratic behavior.
  • Overcurrent Protection: When the servo current surpasses predefined thresholds, the system triggers suicide servo outputs as a protective measure. This action helps prevent equipment damage and ensures the system operates within safe operating parameters.
  • Current Responsiveness Monitoring: Additionally, if the servo fails to respond appropriately to control signals or exhibits erratic behavior indicative of malfunction, the system activates suicide servo outputs to mitigate potential risks and maintain operational stability.
  • Regulator Feedback Signal Abnormalities: Another triggering condition for initiating suicide servo outputs is the detection of abnormalities in the regulator feedback signal. This signal serves as a crucial indicator of the system's performance and stability, making deviations from expected limits a cause for concern.
  • Feedback Signal Monitoring: The system continuously monitors the regulator feedback signal to detect any anomalies or deviations from normal operation. If the signal exceeds predetermined limits or displays irregular behavior, indicating potential issues with the servo control loop, suicide servo outputs are activated to prevent further complications.
  • Safety Precautions: By activating suicide servo outputs in response to abnormal feedback signals, the system ensures that any potential risks or malfunctions are promptly addressed, safeguarding equipment and personnel from harm.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200VSVOH1BDB?
It is a Servo Control Board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

What do the LEDs at the top of the front panel indicate?
The LEDs at the top of the front panel provide status information about the board's operation.

What is the normal condition for the RUN LED?
In normal operating conditions, the LED flashes green, indicating that the VSVO board is functioning correctly and actively controlling the servo valves.

How is a failure condition indicated on the front panel?
A failure condition is indicated by the FAIL LED, which emits a solid red light when a malfunction or fault is detected within the board.