IS200VCMIH2CAA - Bus Master Controller Module

IS200VCMIH2CAA - Bus Master Controller Module IS200VCMIH2CAA - Bus Master Controller Module

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Part No.: IS200VCMIH2CAA
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Temperature: 0 to 60 oC
Processo:r Texas Instruments TMS320C32
Product Type: Bus Master Controller Module
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200VCMIH2CAA is a bus master controller module developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. VCMI acts as the central nervous system in control systems, facilitating seamless communication between the controller and I/O boards. Its dual functionality extends beyond internal connectivity, serving as the gateway to the broader system control network, IONet. By enabling efficient data exchange internally and fostering integration with external components through IONet, the VCMI plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the fluidity, responsiveness, and adaptability of the entire control system architecture. As the nexus of connectivity, it stands as a testament to the system's versatility and efficiency in managing diverse communication needs within the complex control ecosystem.


  • VCMI (VME Communication and Management Interface): The VCMI, standing for VME Communication and Management Interface, embodies the central nervous system of the control architecture. As a pivotal component, it assumes the role of a communication hub, seamlessly orchestrating data exchange between the controller and the array of I/O boards. Moreover, the VCMI diligently monitors system health, actively detecting errors and power-up failures. Its robust error handling mechanisms and proactive approach to failure management ensure the reliability and fault tolerance of the entire system.
  • Error Handling and Power-Up Failure: An integral aspect of the VCMI's functionality lies in its vigilant monitoring for anomalies. By actively scanning for deviations from expected operation, it promptly alerts system operators in the event of a power-up failure or error occurrence. This proactive stance towards error management not only mitigates potential risks but also reinforces the system's reliability and fault tolerance, bolstering operational continuity in critical industrial environments.
  • Pushbutton: The pushbutton serves as a user-friendly interface component, offering manual intervention capabilities for troubleshooting purposes. In scenarios where errors or failures occur, the pushbutton empowers operators to initiate corrective actions swiftly, thereby minimizing downtime and optimizing system performance. Its intuitive design ensures accessibility and ease of use, fostering efficient resolution of operational issues.
  • VME Bus: The VME Bus, renowned for its high-performance communication capabilities, serves as the backbone of the control system architecture. Functioning as a communication pathway of unparalleled efficiency, it interconnects the myriad of I/O boards with the central controller. This seamless integration facilitates rapid data transfers, enabling real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes with unparalleled precision and responsiveness.
  • IONet Ports: Equipped with three IONet ports featuring a 10Base2 configuration, the VCMI serves as a gateway for network communication within the control system. These ports play a pivotal role in enabling seamless integration with external networks and components, expanding the system's reach and capabilities. Furthermore, the redundancy and multiple port configuration enhance system reliability and flexibility, ensuring uninterrupted operation even in the face of network disruptions or component failures.


  • The control system boasts a sophisticated diagnostic framework designed to ensure the health and reliability of critical components. The internal power supply buses, encompassing 5 V, 12 V, 15 V, and 28 V, undergo meticulous monitoring and alarming processes. Configurable alarm settings, typically set at 3.5%, act as vigilant thresholds to detect deviations from normal operating voltages. Notably, the 28 V supplies, vital for robust system performance, have a slightly higher alarm threshold set at 5.5%, accommodating the specific requirements of this power level.
  • Integral to this diagnostic ecosystem is the power distribution module (PDM), intricately connected through J301. The PDM contributes an array of diagnostic signals that enhance the system's monitoring capabilities. Ground fault detection ensures the early identification of potential electrical issues, preventing safety hazards and system malfunctions. Concurrently, over/under voltage monitoring on the P125 V bus safeguards connected devices by signaling deviations from specified voltage levels.
  • The PDM doesn't stop there; it extends its diagnostic prowess with two differential 5V dc analog inputs, namely P28A and PCOM. These inputs play a pivotal role in external monitor circuits, providing a window into the health and performance of critical external components. Additionally, digital inputs are scrutinized, further fortifying the system against potential faults.
  • In essence, the control system's diagnostic capabilities, ranging from internal power supply monitoring to the comprehensive signals provided by the power distribution module, underscore a proactive approach to system health. The configurable alarm settings and diverse diagnostic inputs ensure that deviations from normal operating conditions are promptly identified, enabling timely intervention and maintenance to uphold the reliability and stability of the entire control system.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200VCMIH2CAA?
It is a bus master controller module developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

How does the system accommodate multiple I/O racks?
The system is designed to be highly scalable. It allows for the connection of multiple I/O racks to IONet, and each rack is equipped with its dedicated board. This modular approach enhances the adaptability of the control system to various configurations.

What is the significance of each I/O rack having its own board?
Assigning each I/O rack its own board ensures efficient communication and management within the system. This distributed architecture enables parallel processing and enhances the overall responsiveness of the control system.

How does the system address the data throughput requirements for low-latency applications?
To meet the demands of applications requiring low latency, the system provides a strategic solution. A second IONet port is introduced and configured as a parallel IONet. This setup optimizes data throughput, ensuring enhanced performance for low-latency applications.