IS200VCMIH1BCC - Bus Master Controller

IS200VCMIH1BCC - Bus Master Controller IS200VCMIH1BCC - Bus Master Controller

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Part No.: IS200VCMIH1BCC
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Temperature: 0 to 60 °C
Board Type: 6U high VME board,
Frame Rate 10 ms for simplex, 40 ms for TMR
Product Type: Bus Master Controller
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200VCMIH1BCC is a bus master controller developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. The VCMI serves as a linchpin in the intricate web of communication within a control system. Its multifaceted functionalities are indispensable for ensuring seamless interactions between the controller, various I/O boards, and the overarching system control network, IONet. This expansion delves into the pivotal responsibilities undertaken by VCMI in the control and I/O racks, shedding light on its role as the VME bus master and the manager of board IDs and associated terminal boards.

Communication Hub

  • Controller and I/O Board Connectivity: Acts as the primary communication interface, establishing a robust link between the controller and the myriad I/O boards distributed throughout the system. This connectivity is fundamental for the exchange of crucial information, allowing the controller to receive data from sensors, provide commands to actuators, and maintain real-time control over the entire system.
  • System Control Network Integration: In addition to its role in controller-to-board communication, the VCMI extends its reach to the broader system control network, IONet. Acting as a gateway, it facilitates communication between the internal control system and external networked components. This integration enhances the system's capabilities, enabling seamless interaction with external devices and centralizing control functionalities.

VME Bus Master and Management of IDs

  • VME Bus Master Functionality: Within the control and I/O racks, it assumes the crucial role of the VME bus master. This designation positions it as the primary controller of the VME bus, the high-performance bus standard commonly employed in embedded systems. As the VME bus master, the component orchestrates communication, ensuring efficient data transfer between different boards and devices connected to the bus.
  • Board and Terminal Board ID Management: A key responsibility is the management of IDs for all boards housed within the racks, as well as their associated terminal boards. Each board and terminal board has a unique identifier, allowing us to distinguish and coordinate the activities of individual components. This meticulous management ensures proper addressing and facilitates seamless communication between the controller and the myriad components in the system.

Ensuring System Integrity and Efficiency

  • Error Prevention and Correction: By overseeing the IDs of boards and terminal boards, it plays a pivotal role in error prevention and correction. It ensures that each component is properly recognized and addressed, minimizing the risk of communication errors and enhancing the overall reliability of the control system.
  • Optimizing Communication Efficiency: Efficient communication is paramount in a control system. The VCMI's role as the central communication hub and ID manager contributes to streamlined interactions, minimizing latency, and optimizing the flow of information. This, in turn, enhances the system's responsiveness and overall operational efficiency.

Communication Features

  • Diverse Communication Interfaces of the Control System: In the realm of modern control systems, robust communication infrastructure is paramount for seamless interactions between various components. The system under discussion boasts a comprehensive array of communication interfaces, each tailored to specific needs and scenarios. Here, we delve into the distinct features of these interfaces, ranging from Ethernet ports to serial and parallel connections.
  • Three IONet 10 Base2 Ethernet Ports: The heart of the system's communication architecture lies in its IONet Ethernet ports. Three robust 10 Base2 Ethernet ports, equipped with BNC connectors, provide a high-speed communication backbone operating at 10 Mbits/sec. These ports facilitate efficient data exchange, supporting real-time communication between different components within the control system. The utilization of BNC connectors enhances reliability, ensuring secure and stable connections.
  • High-Speed Data Transfers: The system leverages VME bus block transfers to facilitate high-speed data exchanges. This methodology optimizes data transfer rates within the VME bus, a widely adopted standard for embedded systems. The integration of VME bus block transfers ensures efficient communication between the various boards and devices connected to the bus, promoting swift and reliable information flow.
  • RS-232C Serial Port: Complementing the Ethernet ports, the system features an RS-232C serial port. Equipped with a male D style connector, this serial port supports flexible communication with varying bit rates, offering options of 9600, 19,200, or 38,400 bits/sec. This serial port serves as a versatile interface for connecting with external devices, providing a standardized and widely used protocol for serial communication.
  • Bi-Directional Parallel Port: For parallel communication needs, the system is equipped with a parallel port featuring eight-bit bi-directional capabilities. Operating in EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) Version 1.7 mode of IEEE 1284-1994, this parallel port ensures high-speed and efficient data transfer between the control system and connected peripherals. The bidirectional nature of the port enhances versatility, allowing simultaneous data transfer in both directions.
  • Diverse Connection Options: By incorporating a range of communication interfaces, the control system ensures connectivity across a diverse array of devices and networks. From the high-speed capabilities of Ethernet ports to the flexibility offered by serial and parallel connections, the system caters to the varied communication needs encountered in contemporary industrial and control applications.
  • Interoperability and Standardization: The system's adherence to widely accepted standards, such as IEEE 1284-1994 for parallel communication and RS-232C for serial communication, ensures interoperability with a myriad of devices. This commitment to standards enhances the system's compatibility, enabling seamless integration with both legacy and modern equipment.

Memory Specifications

  • The system incorporates a dual-port memory configuration with a capacity of 32 kilobytes, facilitating efficient data transfer in a 32-bit configuration. 
  • SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory): The system utilizes SRAM with a capacity of 64 kilobytes by 32, ensuring fast and reliable data storage and retrieval processes.
  • Flash Memory: Flash memory with a capacity of 128 kilobytes by 8 is integrated into the system, offering non-volatile storage capabilities ideal for program storage and data retention.

Communication Interfaces

  • H1 Version: Features one IONet 10 Base2 Ethernet port with a BNC connector, providing a reliable networking solution with a data transfer rate of 10 megabits per second (Mbps).
  • H2 Version: Offers three IONet 10 Base2 Ethernet ports, each equipped with BNC connectors, delivering enhanced networking capabilities with a data transfer rate of 10 Mbps.
  • VME Bus Block Transfers: The system supports VME bus block transfers, enabling efficient data exchange and communication within a VME bus architecture.
  • RS-232C Serial Port: Incorporates one RS-232C serial port with a male "D" style connector, offering flexible serial communication capabilities at selectable baud rates of 9600, 19,200, or 38,400 bits per second (bps).
  • Parallel Port: Features one eight-bit bi-directional parallel port operating in EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) Version 1.7 mode of IEEE 1284-1994, enabling high-speed data transfer and connectivity with external devices.

Frame Rate

  • Simplex Mode: Achieves a frame rate of 10 milliseconds (100 Hz), ideal for real-time data processing and control applications.
  • TMR (Triple Modular Redundancy) Mode: Operates at a frame rate of 40 milliseconds (25 Hz), ensuring robust fault tolerance and reliability in redundant system configurations.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200VCMIH1BCC?
It is a bus master controller developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

What power supply voltages are monitored internally in the system?
The internal monitoring system keeps a vigilant eye on the 5 V, 12 V, 15 V, and 28 V power supply buses. These voltage levels are crucial for the stable operation of the system, and any deviations are actively monitored.

How are the alarms for the power supply buses configured?
The alarm settings for the power supply buses are configurable. Typically, these settings are established at 3.5 percent for most voltage supplies. However, the 28 V supplies have a slightly higher alarm threshold, set at 5.5 percent. These configurable alarms act as a proactive mechanism to detect potential issues with the power supply.

What diagnostic signals does the power distribution module (PDM) provide?
The power distribution module (PDM), connected through J301, contributes valuable diagnostic signals. These include monitoring for ground faults and over/under voltage on the P125 V bus. Additionally, the PDM provides diagnostics for two differential 5V dc analog inputs (P28A and PCOM) designed for external monitor circuits. Furthermore, digital inputs are also monitored for comprehensive diagnostics.