IS200VCCCH1A - Contact Input/Relay Output Board

IS200VCCCH1A - Contact Input/Relay Output Board IS200VCCCH1A - Contact Input/Relay Output Board

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Part No.: IS200VCCCH1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Input Supply: 125 vdc
Frame Rate: Upto 100Hz
Product Type: Contact Input/Relay Output Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200VCCCH1A is a contact input/relay output board developed by GE. It is part of the Mark VI series.The Contact Input/Relay Output Board, along with its associated daughterboard, provides versatile functionality for managing discrete inputs and controlling relay outputs within a system. Here's a detailed breakdown of its features:

Inputs and Outputs Capacity

  • The VCCC, a double-width module, accommodates a total of 48 discrete inputs. Simultaneously, it controls 24 relay outputs through four terminal boards.
  • This capability enables comprehensive monitoring of various input signals while controlling relay-based operations efficiently.

Mounting and Interface

  • Installed within the VME I/O rack, the board securely mounts as a double-width module.
  • Its positioning within the rack is essential for effective integration into the system's infrastructure.

Terminal Board Connectivity

  • The VME I/O rack includes two sets of J3/J4 plugs designated for cable connections to the TBCI (Terminal Board Contact Input) and TRLY (Terminal Board Relay Output) terminal boards. These connections establish communication pathways between the VCCC and the associated terminal boards, enabling data exchange and control of inputs and outputs.

Alternative Board Option - VCRC

  • Additionally, the VCRC, a narrower board compared to the VCCC, can serve as an alternative to the Contact Input/Relay Output Board. This substitution offers flexibility in system configurations based on specific spatial or functional requirements.
  • The module , with its capacity for handling discrete inputs and controlling relay outputs, serves as a fundamental component within the system's infrastructure. Its ability to interface with terminal boards and the availability of an alternative board, VCRC, ensures adaptability and versatility in configuring the system to meet diverse operational needs.


  • Power Down the VME I/O Processor Rack: Begin by safely shutting down the power to the VME I/O processor rack to prevent any electrical hazards or disruptions during installation.
  • Insert the VCCC Board: Slide the board into the designated slot within the VME I/O processor rack. Use caution to align the board correctly with the slot.
  • Secure Edge Connectors: Once the board is correctly positioned, use your hands to push the top and bottom levers, ensuring they firmly seat the edge connectors of the board. This step is crucial for establishing proper connections.
  • Tighten Captive Screws: Securely fasten the captive screws located at the top and bottom of the board's front panel. These screws ensure that the board remains securely in place within the rack.
  • Power Up the VME Rack and Check Diagnostics: Power on the VME rack after the successful installation. Verify the functionality and proper integration of the board by checking the diagnostic lights located at the top of the front panel. Ensure that the lights indicate normal operational status.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200VCCCH1A?
It is a contact input/relay output board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

What do the LEDs on the VCCC board signify?
Flashing green indicates normal operation (RUN), solid red denotes a failure (FAIL), and steady orange indicates a diagnostic alarm condition (STATUS).

What diagnostics are available for the module outputs?
VAOC Diagnostics Monitors output health by checking voltage drops and conducting high/low limit checks. A composite alarm, L3DIAG VCCC, triggers if any of the 48 outputs become unhealthy. Individual Diagnostics, Detailed output diagnostic data is accessible from the toolbox and can be latched/reset based on their health status.

How does the board handle terminal board connector monitoring?
Each connector has a unique ID chip containing board-specific details, checked by the I/O processor. A hardware incompatibility fault is triggered if a mismatch is detected, signaling potential connectivity or hardware issues.