IS200TVIBH1BBB - Vibration Terminal Board

IS200TVIBH1BBB - Vibration Terminal Board IS200TVIBH1BBB - Vibration Terminal Board

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Part No.: IS200TVIBH1BBB
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm wide
Temperature: -30 to +65 oC
Technology: Surface mount
Product Type: Vibration Terminal Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200TVIBH1BBB is a Vibration Terminal Board developed by GE. It is a part of the Mark VI control system. It employs Bently Nevada probes to facilitate precise shaft vibration monitoring. These probes, known for their reliability and accuracy, play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of machinery. With the capacity to accommodate up to 14 probes, the system offers extensive monitoring capabilities.


  • Direct connectivity to the terminal board streamlines the integration process, enabling seamless communication between the probes and the system. Additionally, two of these probes can be connected via cable to the VVIB board, further expanding the monitoring capacity and enhancing flexibility in installation arrangements.
  • Once connected, the signals captured by the probes undergo processing by the VVIB board. This onboard processing optimizes the data, ensuring that only pertinent information is transmitted further down the system.
  • The digitized displacement and velocity signals, refined and enhanced through the processing stage, are then transmitted over the VME bus to the controller. This streamlined communication pathway facilitates rapid and accurate transmission of crucial data, empowering operators to make informed decisions regarding the operational status of the machinery.


  • Probe Wiring: Each of the fourteen vibration probes is carefully wired to the designated terminal blocks. With three wires allocated per probe, this arrangement facilitates comprehensive data transmission and ensures accurate monitoring of shaft vibrations. The meticulous wiring process is crucial for maintaining signal integrity and minimizing interference.
  • Terminal Block Configuration: Jumpers JP1 through JP8 play a pivotal role in configuring the type of the first eight probes. These jumpers provide flexibility in adapting the system to different probe types and specifications, allowing for seamless integration of various probe models based on the specific requirements of the application. This configurable setup ensures compatibility and enhances the versatility of the Mark VI system.
  • Optional Connector Usage: The use of connectors JA1, JB1, JC1, and JD1 for a Bently Nevada system is optional but offers added convenience and flexibility in the installation process. These connectors provide standardized interfaces for connecting the vibration probes, simplifying maintenance, and facilitating future upgrades or replacements. While optional, their inclusion can streamline the wiring process and enhance the overall robustness of the system.
  • Precision and Attention to Detail: Throughout the installation process, precision and attention to detail are paramount. Proper wire termination, jumper configuration, and optional connector usage are executed meticulously to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the vibration monitoring system. Adherence to best practices in installation minimizes the risk of errors or malfunctions, contributing to the long-term performance and stability of the Mark VI system.
  • Testing and Calibration: Following installation, thorough testing and calibration procedures are conducted to validate the functionality and accuracy of the vibration monitoring system. This comprehensive testing phase verifies the proper operation of each probe, confirms signal integrity, and calibrates the system to ensure precise measurement of shaft vibrations. Rigorous testing protocols help to identify and address any potential issues, guaranteeing optimal performance under varying operating conditions.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200TVIBH1BBB?
It is a vibration terminal board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

How many vibration probes can be connected to the Mark VI system?
Up to fourteen vibration probes can be connected directly to the system's terminal blocks.

What is the purpose of jumpers JP1 through JP8 in the installation process?
Jumpers JP1 through JP8 are used to select the type of the first eight probes connected to the system. This configuration flexibility allows for seamless integration of various probe types based on specific application requirements.

Are connectors JA1, JB1, JC1, and JD1 necessary for the installation?
No, the use of connectors JA1, JB1, JC1, and JD1 for a Bently Nevada system is optional. However, they offer added convenience and flexibility in the installation process by providing standardized interfaces for connecting the vibration probes.