IS200JPDEG1AAA - Power Distribution Board

IS200JPDEG1AAA - Power Distribution Board IS200JPDEG1AAA - Power Distribution Board

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Part No.: IS200JPDEG1AAA
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Temperature: 0 to 60 °C
Frame Rate: Up to 100 Hz
MPU Pulse Rate Range: 2 Hz to 20 kHz
MPU Pulse Rate Accuracy: 0.05 percent of reading
Product Type: power distribution board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VIe

Functional Description

IS200JPDEG1AAA is a power distribution board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VIe control system. The primary function is to receive dc power from a battery or external power supplies. It then efficiently distributes this power to different terminal boards and other loads within the system.


  • Floating DC Bus Design: Supports a floating dc bus, which is centered on earth using resistors. This design choice enhances safety and helps detect system ground faults. The floating dc bus configuration minimizes the risk of ground faults affecting the entire system.
  • Voltage Feedback through PPDA: Provides voltage feedback through the Potential Program Differential Amplifier (PPDA). This feedback mechanism is crucial for monitoring and controlling the voltage levels within the system, contributing to stable and reliable power distribution.
  • Dual Power Supply Inputs: The board accommodates inputs from two power supplies, offering redundancy and ensuring continuous operation even in the event of a failure in one of the power sources. This dual power supply configuration enhances the reliability and availability of the power distribution system.
  • Voltage Operation Modes: Versatile in its operation and can function at either 24 V dc or 48 V dc. This flexibility allows the board to adapt to different system requirements and voltage specifications, making it suitable for a variety of applications.
  • Integration into PDM System: Integrates into the Power Distribution Module (PDM) system. This integration enhances the overall functionality of the power distribution network by incorporating feedback mechanisms provided through the PPDA I/O pack.
  • Current Limitations: The board has limitations on the amount of current it can pass through using conventional board construction. These limitations are crucial to consider when designing and configuring the power distribution system to prevent overloading and ensure safe and reliable operation.
  • Exclusion from Supplying Bulk Power to Control Power Supplies: It does not supply power to bulk 500 W - 24 V input/28 V output power supplies, which are typically responsible for providing control power to I/O packs. This indicates a specific limitation in the board's capabilities and highlights the need for an alternative power source for these specific components.


  • Mounting: It is base-mounted vertically on a sturdy metal bracket within a cabinet designated for the Power Distribution Module (PDM). The vertical mounting configuration ensures proper alignment and secure attachment.
  • Cabinet Placement: Place the cabinet in a location that provides ease of access for maintenance and ensures proper ventilation for the power distribution components. Ensure that the cabinet is secured to prevent any unintended movement.
  • Wiring Diagrams: Refer to the provided wiring diagrams for precise instructions on power input and output routing.
  • Power Input Connections: Identify the power input sources, which can include batteries or external power supplies. Connect the appropriate power cables to the designated input terminals. Ensure that the connections are secure and follow the polarity specified in the wiring diagrams.
  • Power Output Routing: Based on the system requirements and load distribution, follow the wiring diagrams to route power outputs to terminal boards and other system loads. Ensure that the distribution adheres to safety standards and takes into account the specific voltage requirements of connected components.
  • Diagnostic Connectors: Note the presence of a 50-pin diagnostic connector located on both the top and bottom of the board. These connectors facilitate diagnostic and troubleshooting activities. Ensure that the connectors are securely fastened and accessible for diagnostic purposes.
  • Secure Fastening: Securely fasten the metal bracket within the cabinet. Confirm that all mounting screws are tightened appropriately to prevent any potential movement or vibration during operation.
  • Cable Management: Implement effective cable management practices to organize and secure the power cables. Use cable ties or clamps to prevent cable entanglement and ensure a neat and organized installation.
  • Verification and Testing: Before closing the cabinet, verify all connections against the wiring diagrams.
  • Documentation: Document the installation process, including any deviations from the standard procedure, for future reference and maintenance. Include details such as cable routing, power sources, and any adjustments made during installation.
  • Safety Checks: Perform safety checks to ensure that the installation complies with relevant safety standards. Check for proper grounding, secure connections, and adherence to electrical safety guidelines.
  • Cabinet Labeling: Clearly label the cabinet with relevant information such as power ratings, safety precautions, and emergency contact details. This labeling enhances accessibility and safety for maintenance personnel.


  • Jumper JP1 Functionality
    • With JP1 in Place- When jumper JP1 is installed, the JPDE module provides 6k Ω voltage centering resistors between the positive and negative DC terminals and the local earth connection. This configuration effectively centers a floating DC bus on the earth, ensuring stability and safety in the system's operation.
    • With JP1 Removed- When jumper JP1 is removed, the connection to earth is left open.
      This setup is suitable when a floating DC bus does not require centering on earth, perhaps in scenarios where specific operational requirements dictate isolation from earth potential.
  • Practical Application: Insert JP1 when there is a need to center a floating DC bus on earth to maintain system integrity and stability. Remove JP1 when isolation from earth is preferred or required for specific operational reasons.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VIe requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200JPDEG1AAA?
It is a power distribution board developed by GE under the Mark VIe series.

How does feedback routing work between JPDE P1 and the PPDA on a receiving board?
When planning a cable connection to a board containing a PPDA, careful consideration should be given to the feedback cable routing. The feedback signals pass from JPDE's P1 connector to the P2 connector on the receiving board. Proper routing ensures reliable transmission and optimal system performance.

Is the location of the IS200JPDE critical within a panel?
No, the location within a panel is not critical. It can be positioned as needed, ensuring flexibility in the panel design. The focus should be on proper mounting and securing within the designated cabinet.

What is the purpose of Connector P1 on the board?
Connector P1 on the board is responsible for transmitting feedback signals. These signals are sent to a board hosting a Potential Program Differential Amplifier (PPDA) I/O pack. P1 serves as the output interface for feedback transmission.

What role does Connector P2 play?
Connector P2 on the board receives feedback from other power distribution boards. It acts as the input interface, collecting signals from interconnected boards. Connector P2 then passes these signals out through Connector P1 to the PPDA I/O pack.