IS200GGXIG5A - Expander Load Source Board

IS200GGXIG5A - Expander Load Source Board IS200GGXIG5A - Expander Load Source Board

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Part No.: IS200GGXIG5A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size: 13 in x 7 in
Temperature rating: 0 to 60 oC
Number of Channels: 13
Product Type: Expander Load Source Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200GGXIG5A is an Expander Load Source Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. The Expander Load Source Board functions in controlling and isolating the high-voltage power bridge while facilitating connections to various cards within the Innovation Series board rack, such as the BPII and BICI. Its primary function involves converting RS422 signals to fiber-optic signals, allowing for efficient gating of the bridge IGCT switching devices. Notably, the board has the capability to connect with up to twelve power devices, enhancing its versatility and scalability.

I/O Connectivity and Communication Interfaces

  • The I/O Connectivity and Communication Interfaces of the Expander Load Source Board are designed to establish robust communication and power supply interfaces with various components within the system architecture.
  • Firstly, the board features dedicated power supply inputs (J1 through J4) specifically allocated to the GGXI board. These inputs ensure reliable power distribution and supply to support the operation of the board.
  • In addition to power inputs, the board includes power output and feedback connectors (J10 through J12) to facilitate the transmission of power and feedback signals to connected devices. These connectors play a vital role in maintaining efficient power distribution and enabling feedback mechanisms for monitoring and control purposes.
  • Furthermore, voltage feedback terminals (J15 and J16) are incorporated into the board design to enable the measurement and monitoring of voltage levels within the system. This capability allows for precise voltage regulation and monitoring to ensure optimal performance.
  • Specialized fiber-optic connectors are also integrated into the board, enabling high-speed data transmission via fiber-optic cables. These connectors facilitate efficient communication between the Expander Load Source Board and other interconnected components, enhancing data transfer speeds and reliability.
  • Moreover, specific connectors such as JFBK establish essential links to the BICI board, while JGATE facilitates connections to the BPII board. These connectors enable seamless communication and interaction between the Expander Load Source Board and other critical components within the system architecture, ensuring cohesive operation and functionality.
  • Additionally, connector J5 serves the crucial function of monitoring control power to the GDPA board, contributing to the overall monitoring and control capabilities of the system.
  • To ensure optimal functionality and performance, the board integrates grounding stabs (LCOM and DCOM) to segregate quiet and noisy circuits effectively. This segregation minimizes interference and noise, thereby enhancing signal integrity and system reliability.

Connectors and Hardware Features

  • The Connectors and Hardware Features of the Expander Load Source Board are meticulously designed to ensure seamless signal transmission, processing, and robust connectivity within the system architecture.
  • At the forefront of its hardware features are four 6-pin connectors (J1, J2, J3, and J4), each accompanied by small transformers strategically mounted behind them. These connectors serve as the primary interface for signal transmission and processing, facilitating the exchange of crucial data and commands between the Expander Load Source Board and other interconnected components. The inclusion of transformers behind each connector enhances signal integrity by mitigating noise and distortion, thereby ensuring reliable communication and operation.
  • Furthermore, the board features connectors at J10, J11, and J12, specifically designed to accommodate plugs for power output and feedback purposes. These connectors play a pivotal role in establishing robust and secure connections for the transmission of power and feedback signals to connected devices. By providing a secure interface, they contribute to the overall stability and efficiency of the system, ensuring uninterrupted power distribution and accurate feedback mechanisms.
  • Incorporating these connectors and hardware features into the design of the Expander Load Source Board enhances its functionality and reliability within the system architecture. By facilitating crucial signal transmission, processing, and robust connections, the board enables seamless communication and operation, ultimately contributing to the overall performance and effectiveness of the system.

Components and Diagnostic Elements

  • The Components and Diagnostic Elements integrated into the Expander Load Source Board are engineered to provide comprehensive monitoring, diagnostic capabilities, and ensure reliable functionality within the system.
  • Central to its diagnostic features is the inclusion of an isolated serial ID chip, which serves as a unique identifier for the board. This chip enables seamless identification and tracking of the board within the system architecture, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and maintenance procedures.
  • In addition to the serial ID chip, the board incorporates fourteen TP (test point) locations strategically distributed across its surface. These TP locations provide convenient access points for diagnostic testing and measurement, allowing technicians to monitor critical signals and parameters during system operation.
  • Furthermore, the board is equipped with nine LEDs dedicated to diagnostic purposes. These LEDs serve as visual indicators, providing real-time feedback on the operational status and health of various components and subsystems. By interpreting the LED signals, technicians can quickly identify potential issues or abnormalities, enabling prompt intervention and resolution.
  • Alongside diagnostic elements, the board features an assortment of capacitors and resistors meticulously integrated into its design. These passive components play essential roles in signal conditioning, filtering, and voltage regulation, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of the board under varying operating conditions.
  • It is noteworthy that the Source Board lacks adjustable hardware devices or fuses. Instead, it relies on its inherent design and components for functionality. This design approach emphasizes reliability and simplifies maintenance, reducing the risk of component failure or misconfiguration.
  • By incorporating these components and diagnostic elements into its design, the Expander Load Source Board offers comprehensive monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, ensuring reliable operation and facilitating efficient maintenance procedures within the system architecture.

Integration and Application

  • Primarily utilized to regulate and isolate connections between the Innovation Series board rack and high-voltage power bridge, the board serves as a termination point for current sensors and bridge attenuators.
  • Its multifaceted connectivity and functionality contribute significantly to efficient control and communication within the system architecture.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200GGXIG5A?
It is an Expander Load Source Board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

How many analog inputs and outputs can the board handle?
This board can connect to up to twelve power devices and convert RS422 signals to fiber-optic signals for efficient gating of the bridge IGCT switching devices.

What are the key connectors and interfaces on the board?
It includes power supply inputs (J1 through J4) for the GGXI board, power output and feedback connectors (J10 through J12), voltage feedback terminals (J15 and J16), and specialized connectors (JFBK, JGATE) for communication with specific boards.

What additional hardware elements and diagnostic features does the board incorporate?
The board features four 6-pin connectors with mounted transformers (J1, J2, J3, and J4), connector ports (J10, J11, J12) for secure plug connections, an isolated serial ID chip, fourteen TP test points, nine LEDs for diagnostics, and various capacitors and resistors. It lacks adjustable hardware devices or fuses.