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Part No.: IS200FHVBG1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)
Product Type: High Voltage Gate Input Board
Series: EX2100

IS200FHVBG1A is a high voltage gate input board developed by General Electric for the EX2100 excitation control system. The GE Energy EX2100 Excitation Control System is a cutting-edge platform for generator excitation. Along with the transformers, this excitation system includes numerous controllers, power bridges, and a protective module.

IS200FHVBG1A Features

  • The EX2100 Excitation Control (EX2100 or exciter) generates the field excitation current, which is used to control the generator's ac terminal voltage and/or reactive volt-amperes. It is a complete static excitation system for generators on new and retrofit steam gas and hydro turbines.
  • The exciter is a modular system that may be assembled to give a variety of output currents as well as various levels of system redundancy. Power from a potential, compound or auxiliary source is one of these alternatives. There are single or multiple bridges, warm backup bridges, and simplex or redundant controls.

High Voltage Interface

  • The HVI encompasses the ac and dc buses, as well as the line filter fuses. There are also two terminal boards that provide bridge feedback to the control and the EXAM board.

Software Overview

  • The exciter control code is executed by microprocessor-based controllers. The software is made up of modules (blocks) that work together to provide the necessary system functionality. Variables are stored in random-access memory, while block definitions and configuration parameters are stored in flash memory (RAM).
  • Traditional analog controls are emulated by the exciter application software. It employs an open architecture system with a library of preconfigured software blocks from the toolbox. Individual blocks, such as logic gates, proportional-integral (P.I.) regulators, function generators, and signal level detectors, perform specific functions.
  • The control switches between two modes: generator voltage regulation (Auto Regulation) and direct control (voltage or current, depending upon the application). The control incorporates generator protection functions such as over and under-excitation limiting, power system stabilization, and V/Hz limiting.
  • Using the toolbox, the blocks can be interrogated while the exciter is running. In operation, the dynamically changing I/O values of each block can be seen, which is useful during startup or troubleshooting.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is IS200FHVBG1A?
IS200FHVBG1A is a high voltage gate input board developed by General Electric for the EX2100 excitation control system

How to Obtain IS200FHVBG1A?
World of Controls provides IS200FHVBG1A as well as other turbine control products. Contact WOC.