IS200FCGEH1A - LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board

IS200FCGEH1A - LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board IS200FCGEH1A - LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board

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Part Number: IS200FCGEH1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: LCI
Product Type: LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board
Technology: Surface Mount
Common Mode Voltage Range: ±5 V
Dimensions: 11.00 x 9.00 x 3.00
Operating temperature: 0 to 60 °C
No.of LEDs: Two, Active and IMOK
No.of Ribbon Cable Connectors: Two, 20-pin
No.of VMEbus Connectors Two, 96-pin
No.of Analog Voltage Inputs: 6
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin: United States
Manual: GEI-100233


IS200FCGEH1A is an LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the LCI Series used in GE Speedtronic Gas Turbine Control Systems. The FCGE board serves as an interface between the DSPC board and the motor excitation bridges on the LCI. The FCGE is in charge of voltage and current feedback conditioning as well as control gating power. The board is connected to the VPBL backplane's VMEbus connector. The LCI Control and Gating-Exciter Board from General Electric is used to provide signal interfacing between the motor field exciter and LCI drive. This model's main function is to condition voltage and current feedback signals from the exciter bridge to the LCI processor board. The IS200FCGE board (FCGE) provides signal interfacing between the Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) drive and the motor field exciter. The FCGE’s main functions are to:

  • Relay cell gating commands from the LCI’s processor board to the exciter.
  • Condition voltage and current feedback signals from the exciter bridge to the LCI processor board.


The FCGE environment consists of an FCGE board and a VMEbus host processor. The FCGE is compatible with the VME (A24/D16) specification both electrically and physically. All standard VMEbus signals are through the P1 connector to the VMEbus backplane. The FCGE decodes most of the 24 address bits for internal addressing. The FCGE interfaces with the host processor, other LCI boards, and the exciter through the P2 connector. The exciter connects directly to the VMEbus backplane through a 34-pin ribbon connector.


TIMING: The FCGE has a system clock register to generate firing commands and time-stamping feedback values. This circuit is an up counter clocked at 1/16 the VMEbus clock rate.

RESET: The VMEbus system reset signal 0SYSRST (pin P1- C12) sets all of the FCGE’s registers to their initial values during powerup or hardware reset.

BOARD SELFTEST: Most of the board functions can be tested on command from the VMEbus host processor. The self-tests include loopback tests and the injection of test signals into analog signal paths.

FIRING COMMANDS: The FCGE includes drivers for six firing command outputs to the exciter (see Application Data, Table 4). Each output corresponds to one of the six SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) cell strings in the exciter bridge. These drivers are controlled by the LCI processor, which can turn on up to six at one time.


CURRENT FEEDBACK: The FCGE receives a current feedback signal that is a composite of output from current transformers on the power bridge’s input phases A and C. The FCGE senses this signal differentially and conditions it at an onboard VCI (voltage-controlled oscillator), producing current feedback.

VOLTAGE FEEDBACK: The FCGE receives six analog voltage inputs on its P2 connector. These signals are attenuated in the exciter’s power bridge, which has different connections for the ac switch and dc bridge configurations. The FCGE’s six VCOs condition these inputs to produce voltage feedback.

CELL CONDUCTION STATUS: The FCGE detects cell conduction using a simple voltage-based comparator. The board differentially senses input of the voltage across each cell.

GROUND FAULT DETECTION: The FCGE detects ground faults from the dc exciter by checking whether the dc voltage is centered on ground potential. If detected, the FCGE sets a protective signal.

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What is an LCI Control system used for?

An LCI Control system is used to regulate the speed and power of high-power motors or generators, commonly in industrial applications like steel mills or mining operations.

How does an LCI Control system work?

An LCI Control system employs load commutation to transfer power smoothly between the AC power source and the load, allowing precise control of output voltage and frequency.

How does a Gating-Exciter Board generate gate signals?

The board generates gate signals using voltage regulation circuits and timing mechanisms to ensure accurate and synchronized switching of power devices.