IS200ESELH3A - Exciter Selector Board

IS200ESELH3A - Exciter Selector Board IS200ESELH3A - Exciter Selector Board

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Part No.: IS200ESELH3A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size: 33.02 cm high x 10.16 cm wide
Product Type: Exciter Regulator Exciter Selector Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: EX2100

Functional Description

IS200ESELH3A is an exciter regulator Exciter Selector Board developed by GE. It is a part of EX2100 excitation system. The Exciter Selector Board serves as a critical component within the control rack of excitation systems. It plays a pivotal role in managing and distributing logic level gate pulse signals received from the master I/O (EMIO) board to drive the exciter gate pulse amplifier (EGPA) boards.

Application Data

  • Designed with a streamlined and efficient configuration, eliminating the need for jumpers or test points. This design choice simplifies the board layout and maintenance. Connectors P1 and P2 facilitate the connection to the VME backplane, serving as essential interfaces for the board integration into the broader system.
  • However, the specific pin signals for these connectors are not defined within this document, as they are not typically checked during standard troubleshooting procedures. This approach underscores the reliability and low-maintenance nature of the EXAM board, allowing for easier management and fewer points of potential failure.
  • The layout of the EXAM board is meticulously organized, as illustrated in the accompanying figure (not provided here). A key feature of the board is the three green LEDs located at the top of the front panel, which serve as vital status indicators. These LEDs provide real-time information about the board's operational status. The first LED confirms that power is supplied to the board, ensuring that it is ready for operation.
  • The second LED indicates that the board is active, having been enabled by a control signal from control C. This signal is critical for the board functionality, as it signifies that the board is in a state of readiness to perform its designated tasks. The third LED reveals that the board is gating, driven by gate inputs from the EMIO.
  • This gating function is essential for the board role in managing electrical signals within the system, highlighting its active participation in the system control processes. Together, these provide a straightforward yet comprehensive method for monitoring the board status, aiding in quick diagnostics and ensuring optimal performance.

Board Replacement Procedure (Offline)

  • Ensure the Exciter is De-energized: Before beginning any replacement procedure, confirm that the exciter is completely de-energized. This precaution is essential to prevent electrical hazards and ensure a safe working environment.
  • Verify Power Status: Open the control cabinet door and visually inspect the power indicators. Ensure that the power indicators on both the EPDM and EPSM power supplies are off. Additionally, check that the three LEDs on the ESEL board are also off. These steps verify that the system is powered down and safe to work on.
  • Remove the Board- Carefully remove the board from the control rack by following these steps:
    • Loosen Faceplate Screws: Locate the screws at the top and bottom of the faceplate, near the ejector tabs. Loosen these screws, but do not remove them completely as they are captive in the faceplate.
    • Unseat the Board: Raise the ejector tabs to unseat the board from the rack.
    • Extract the Board: Using both hands, gently pull the board out of the rack.
    • Caution: ESEL boards are designed for specific rack slots. Inserting the board into the wrong slot can damage the electronics. 
  • Insert the Replacement Board: Align the replacement board with the correct slot in the rack. Carefully slide the board into place, ensuring that it aligns properly with the connectors.
  • Begin Seating the Board: Firmly press the top and bottom of the faceplate simultaneously with your thumbs to start seating the board. This ensures that the board engages with the connectors evenly and securely.
  • Secure the Board: To finish seating the board, start tightening the screws at the top and bottom of the faceplate. Alternate between the screws, tightening them evenly to ensure that the board is seated squarely and securely in the slot. This step is crucial to prevent misalignment and ensure proper electrical connections.


  • Upon receiving six logic level gate pulse signals from the EMIO board, the ESEL board efficiently processes these signals. It utilizes them to drive six sets of cables, strategically distributed to the exciter gate pulse amplifier (EGPA) boards housed in the Power Conversion Cabinet.
  • The EGPA boards, stationed within the Power Conversion Cabinet, directly interface with the cables driven by the ESEL board. These EGPA boards play a vital role in signal amplification and management, essential for the excitation system's overall performance.
  • ESEL 1 is inherently driven by M1, whereas ESEL 2 is driven by M2. By default, controller M1 assumes the active role. This configuration ensures seamless functionality and control while offering the flexibility of redundancy and online repair options within the excitation system's architecture. This configuration not only enhances the system's reliability but also offers operational flexibility, allowing for efficient management of excitation processes while ensuring smooth functionality during controller transitions or potential system repairs.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your EX2100 requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200ESELH3A?
It is an Exciter Regulator Exciter Selector Board developed by GE under the EX2100 series.

What are the functions of connectors P1 and P2 on the board?
Connectors P1 and P2 establish connections between the board and the VME backplane. However, individual pin signals from these connectors are not typically checked during troubleshooting processes.

Does the board have jumpers or test points for troubleshooting?
No, the board does not contain jumpers or test points for troubleshooting purposes. Direct access for specific signal troubleshooting might be limited due to the absence of these elements.

How does the board get enabled for operation?
Board activation is controlled by a signal received from control C, enabling the board to perform its intended functions.

What does the gating status LED indicate?
When the third LED is lit, it means the board is actively responding to gate inputs from the Exciter Master I/O (EMIO) board, carrying out its functions accordingly.