IS200ESELH2A - Exciter Selector Board

IS200ESELH2A - Exciter Selector Board IS200ESELH2A - Exciter Selector Board

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IS200ESELH2A - Exciter Selector Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

IS200ESELH2A - Exciter Selector Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part No.: IS200ESELH2A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States(USA)
Product Type: Exciter Selector Board
Series: EX2100

IS200ESELH2A is an Exciter Selector Board developed by GE. The IS200ESEL Exciter Selector Board (ESEL) is a control rack-mounted board that receives six logic level gate pulse signals from its corresponding master I/O (EMIO) board. The pulse signals are then used to drive six sets of cables that are distributed to the exciter gate pulse amplifier (EGPA) boards. In the Power Conversion Cabinet, the EGPA boards are installed. It has three bridge drivers that control three PCMs.

IS200ESELH2A Board Control

Only one ESEL is required for simplex systems, but two ESELs are required for redundancy control or online repair. Depending on which controller, M1 or M2, is active as determined by controller C, either ESEL 1 or ESEL 2 can be active. M1 always drives ESEL 1, and M2 always drives ESEL 2. M1 is the default controller.

  • Operation - Six gating commands are directed by the selectors from either M1 or M2 under the control of C. The active master provides all of the power required to command the six EGPAs.
  • Failure of C - When C loses control power, M1 becomes the active master.
  • Status Feedback - The ESEL informs its master which of the two masters has been selected as active.
  • Reliable Fanout -Final output accurately fans out all six commands from either M1 or M2, but never both at the same time. If one of the fanout circuits fails, the other fanout circuits are unaffected.

Application Data

On the board, there are no jumpers or testpoints. P1 and P2 connect to the VME backplane and are not defined in this document because individual pin signals are not typically checked during troubleshooting. The following diagram depicts the layout of the ESEL board. Three green LEDs at the top of the front panel display the following status information:

  • There is power on the table.
  • The board is in session (enabled by the signal from control C).
  • The board is gating (driven by gate inputs from EMIO).

IS200ESELH2A Replacement

  1. Ensure that the exciter has been deactivated.
  2. Open the control cabinet door and ensure that the power indicators on the EPDM and EPSM power supplies, as well as the ESEL's three LEDs, are turned off.
  3. Remove the ESEL board from the control rack with care as follows:
    1. Loosen the screws near the ejector tabs at the top and bottom of the faceplate. (The screws in the faceplate are captive and should not be removed.)
    2. Remove the board by lifting the ejector tabs. c. Gently pull it from the rack with both hands.
  4. Insert the replacement ESEL board into the appropriate rack slot.
  5. Begin seating the board by firmly pressing the top and bottom of the faceplate with your thumbs at the same time.
  6. Finish seating the board in the slot by tightening the screws at the top and bottom of the faceplate alternately. To ensure that the board is seated squarely, tighten the screws evenly.

The WOC team is always available to assist you with your EX2100 requirements. Please contact WOC for further details.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is IS200ESELH2A?
IS200ESELH2A is an Exciter Selector Board developed by GE

What is the function of the component?
ESEL is a control rack-mounted board that receives six logic level gate pulse signals from its corresponding master I/O (EMIO) board

Which manual is associated with the component?
GEI-100456 is the GE ESE Card Manual.