IS200EACFG1ABB - Exciter AC Feedback Board

IS200EACFG1ABB - Exciter AC Feedback Board IS200EACFG1ABB - Exciter AC Feedback Board

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Part No.: IS200EACFG1ABB
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size: 33.02 cm high x 10.16 cm wide
Temperature: -30 to 65oC
Product Type: Exciter AC Feedback board
Availability: In Stock
Series: EX2100

Functional Description

IS200EACFG1ABB is a Exciter AC Feedback board developed by GE. It is part of the EX2100 excitation system. The Exciter Ac Feedback board (EACF) serves function in monitoring the exciter PPT (Permanent Magnet Pilot Exciter) AC supply voltage and current within the control system. This terminal board is equipped with specialized components to accurately measure these parameters and ensure optimal excitation performance.


  • One of the key features of the board is its capability to measure three-phase voltage using built-in transformers. These transformers facilitate precise voltage measurements, enabling the control system to monitor the exciter's AC supply voltage accurately.
  • In addition to voltage measurement, the board also includes terminals for connecting two Flux/Air core coils. These coils play a role in detecting and measuring magnetic flux variations, providing valuable feedback for excitation control and regulation.
  • To facilitate communication with the control system, the outputs from the voltage and current measurement circuits are distributed to three DB9 connectors. These connectors allow for the connection of cables leading to controllers M1, M2, and C, ensuring that the measured data is transmitted effectively to the relevant control units.
  • Design of the board enables flexibility in installation. The cable connecting to the exciter Back Plane board can extend up to 90 meters in length. This extended cable length accommodates various installation configurations, allowing for optimal placement of the EACF board within the control system setup.

Application Data

  • Voltage Transformers (T1-T4): These transformers are dedicated to measuring three-phase voltage. Their role is crucial in providing accurate voltage readings, enabling precise monitoring of the exciter's AC supply voltage.
  • Voltage Input Terminals (TB1-TB3): Individual screw connectors TB1, TB2, and TB3 serve as the input terminals for the voltage transformers. These terminals facilitate the connection of wiring from the exciter's AC supply voltage source, ensuring reliable measurement of voltage.
  • Flux/Air Core Coils Terminal (TB4): Terminal block TB4 is designated for wiring from the two Flux/Air core coils. These coils play a pivotal role in detecting and measuring magnetic flux variations, providing valuable feedback for excitation control and regulation.
  • Sub-D Connectors (J504, J509, J514): These three 9-pin sub-D connectors serve as the interface for cables connecting the EACF board to the EBKP backplane, specifically for the EMIO (Exciter Master Input/Output) boards. These connectors facilitate seamless communication between the EACF board and the control system, ensuring the transmission of measured data to the relevant control units.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your EX2100 requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200EACFG1ABB?
It is a Exciter AC Feedback board developed by GE under the EX2100 series.

What is the primary function of Exciter Ac Feedback?
Exciter Ac Feedback measures exciter PPT AC supply voltage and current, facilitating precise monitoring and control within the excitation system.

What components are used for voltage measurement?
The board utilizes voltage transformers (T1-T4) and voltage input terminals (TB1-TB3) for accurate three-phase voltage measurement.

What role do the Flux/Air Core Coils play on the board?
The Flux/Air Core Coils, wired to terminal block TB4, contribute to detecting and measuring magnetic flux variations, providing essential feedback for excitation control and regulation.