IS200DVIBH1B - Vibration Input Terminal Board

IS200DVIBH1B - Vibration Input Terminal Board IS200DVIBH1B - Vibration Input Terminal Board

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Part No.: IS200DVIBH1B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Function: Vibration Input Terminal Board
Size: 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm wide
Number of Channels: 13
Series: Mark VI
Product Type: PCB
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IS200DVIBH1B is a Vibration Input Terminal Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. This system consists of a central control module linked to an operator interface composed of a PC workstation running a Windows operating system and loaded with software designed to integrate seamlessly with turbine hardware. The DVIB board is a small vibration terminal board that can be mounted on a DIN-rail. It is built to UL 1604 standards for use in a 65 °C Class 1, Division 2 environment. There are 13 vibration probes, eight vibration, four position, and one keyphasor inputs on the board. A 37-pin cable connects it to the VVIB processor board. These cables are the same as the ones found on the larger TVIB terminal board. VVIB supports two DVIB boards.


  • This is a small terminal board intended for DIN-rail mounting. It attaches to a plastic holder that slides along the DIN rail.
  • The board complies with UL 1604 specifications for operation in a 65°C Class 1, Division 2 environment. It is only available in a simplex configuration.
  • A 37-pin cable connector connects the DVIB to the VVIB processor board. A screw connection terminal block with 42 positions is included on the board. Two of these screws (41 and 42) are used to connect the SCOM (ground). This link should be as brief as possible.
  • The board is capable of receiving eight vibration inputs. Inputs can be accelerometer, velocity, proximity, or Velomitor. Each input point is assigned a specific vibration sensor type via jumpers on the board.
  • For diagnostic purposes, an onboard chip is used to identify the DVIBH1B to the VVIB board. High/low hardware limit checks and high/low software limit checks are examples of diagnostics. If either the X or Y probe pairs exceed their limits, probe alarms, faults, and trip conditions will occur.


  • Each terminal board's eight vibration inputs can be used as proximitor, accelerometer, seismic (velocity), or velomitor inputs.
  • With the seismic type assigned to point (S), the velomitor type assigned to point (V), and the proximitor and accelerometer types sharing point (P/A), jumpers on the terminal board are used to assign a specific vibration sensor type to each input point. The proximitor reads a shaft keyway to generate a keyPhasor input for phase angle reference once per revolution. On DVIB, all signals have the same high frequency decoupling to ground as on TVIB.
  • For system diagnostics, an on-board ID chip identifies the board to VVIB.


Jumpers JP1A through JP8A select the type of the first eight probes as follows:

  • S: Seismic
  • V: Velocity
  • P: Proximity
  • A: Accelerometer

Product Attributes

  • The board receives signals from vibration sensors installed on the turbine and processes them to provide real-time vibration data to the control system.
  • The board is designed to work with proximity probes that measure shaft displacement or acceleration, and velocity pickups that measure the velocity of the vibration. It is compatible with both Bently Nevada and other types of vibration probes. The board includes amplifiers that boost the signal strength and filters that remove any unwanted noise from the signals.
  • The board features eight channels, allowing it to handle signals from up to eight vibration sensors. Each channel has its own amplifier and filter circuitry, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements.
  • The board includes two types of connectors: the sensor connectors and the output connectors. The sensor connectors are designed to connect the probes to the board, while the output connectors are used to connect the board to the turbine control system.
  • The board is a highly reliable and accurate tool for monitoring the vibration levels of turbines, helping to ensure safe and efficient operation of these critical components.


  • Probe power: -24 V dc from the -28 V dc bus; each probe supply is current limited, 12 mA load per transducer
  • Rated RPM: If greater than 4,000 rpm, can use eight vibration channels, (others can be prox/position). If less than 4,000 rpm, can use 16 vibration channels, and other probes
  • Buffered outputs: Amplitude accuracy is 0.1% for signal to Bently Nevada 3500 vibration analysis system

Software Maintenance Tools

  • The Mark VI control system is fully programmable. Application software is developed using in-house software automation tools that select and integrate proven GE control and protection algorithms with the I/O, sequencing, and displays for each application.
  • A software library contains general-purpose blocks, math blocks, macros, and application-specific blocks. In a QNX operating system with real-time applications, multitasking, priority-driven preemptive scheduling, and fast context switching, it uses 32-bit floating point data (IEEE-854).
  • Software frame rates of 10, 20, and 40 milliseconds are available. This is the amount of time it takes to read inputs, condition inputs, run application software, and send outputs. While the process is running, changes to the application software can be made with password protection (5 levels) and downloaded to the Control Module. All application software is stored in non-volatile flash memory in the Control Module.


  • This terminal board establishes a robust connection to the VVIB processor board via a 37-pin cable connector, ensuring reliable communication within your system. Moreover, the DVIB module incorporates a 42-position screw connection terminal block, with two designated as 41 and 42 for the SCOM (ground) connection, contributing to system stability.

Enhanced Diagnostics

The diagnostic features of this system encompass a wide range of functionalities aimed at ensuring comprehensive monitoring and timely identification of potential issues. These capabilities include both hardware and software-based checks for high and low limits.

  • High/Low Hardware Limit Checks: This system incorporates thorough checks for both high and low limits on the hardware level. It continuously monitors parameters against predefined thresholds to detect any deviations beyond acceptable ranges. For instance, this could involve monitoring voltage, temperature, or other hardware-specific measurements.
  • High/Low Software Limit Checks: In addition to hardware checks, the system also employs software-defined limits. These software-imposed limits serve as another layer of monitoring, comparing data against predefined thresholds within the system's software parameters. This could involve thresholds set for data processing, computational outputs, or software-controlled parameters.

When the system detects that an X or Y probe pair surpasses these predefined thresholds (whether hardware or software limits), it triggers specific responses:

  • Probe Alarms: Instant notifications or alerts are raised, indicating the probe's deviation from the established limits. These alarms promptly notify operators or monitoring systems about the potential issue.
  • Fault Identification: The system recognizes and logs faults related to the exceeded limits. This information helps in diagnosing the nature and source of the problem for further investigation.
  • Trip Conditions Activation: In critical situations where the thresholds are egregiously surpassed, the system activates trip conditions. This action could include immediate shutdowns or specific emergency protocols designed to prevent further damage or unsafe operating conditions.

Installation and Connectivity

  • To set up the system, begin by inserting the equipment into the dedicated plastic holder specifically designed for DIN-rail mounting. This holder provides a secure and convenient placement for the components, ensuring stability and ease of access during installation.
  • The vibration probes, integral components of the setup, connect seamlessly to the DVIB (Dynamic Vibration Input Board). This connectivity is achieved through a robust 42-terminal terminal block, facilitating a straightforward and reliable connection process. The terminal block guarantees a secure link between the vibration probes and the DVIB board, minimizing the risk of disconnection or signal interference.
  • By utilizing this setup methodology, the installation process is streamlined, allowing for a dependable and stable connection between components, ensuring optimal performance and reliability throughout the system.

World of Controls has the most comprehensive collection of GE Mark VI components. Please contact WOC as soon as possible if you require any extra information.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is IS200DVIBH1B?
It is a Vibration Input Terminal Board developed by GE.

How many vibration inputs can the board receive?
The board is capable of receiving eight vibration inputs.

What types of vibration sensors can be used?
Inputs can be accelerometer, velocity, proximity, or Velomitor.

How are the specific vibration sensor types assigned to each input point?
Each input point is assigned a specific vibration sensor type via jumpers on the board.