IS200DTCCH1A - Contact Output Module

IS200DTCCH1A - Contact Output Module IS200DTCCH1A - Contact Output Module

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Part Number: IS200DTCCH1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VIe
Function: Contact Output Module
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IS200DTCCH1A is a contact output module developed by General Electric. It is a part of GE Mark VIe system. It provides a means of converting electrical signals from the Mark VIe system into physical contact closures or outputs. These contact closures can be used to energize or de-energize external devices, such as motors, valves, relays, or alarms, allowing for precise control and coordination of critical operations.

Fault Detection Mechanism

  • When implementing a redundant system, it is important to note that redundancy alone does not guarantee higher reliability. In some cases, a redundant system can be less reliable than a non-redundant system if certain factors are not adequately addressed. One crucial aspect is the ability of the system to detect and annunciate faults promptly, allowing for timely repairs before a forced outage occurs.
  • Fault detection is essential to ensure that all components or groups of components within the system are operating correctly. There are several methods used to achieve fault detection:
    • Operator inspection of the process: Trained operators visually inspect the process to identify any abnormalities or deviations from normal operation that could indicate a fault.
    • Operator inspection of the equipment: Operators physically inspect the equipment, checking for signs of damage, wear, or any other indicators of potential faults.
    • Special hardware circuits to monitor operation: Dedicated hardware circuits are employed to continuously monitor the operation of critical components or subsystems, flagging any anomalies or malfunctions.
    • Hardware and software watchdogs: Watchdog circuits or software modules are utilized to monitor the execution of tasks and processes. If a failure or deviation is detected, appropriate actions can be taken.
    • Software logic: Intelligent software algorithms and logic are designed to detect abnormal conditions or inconsistencies in data, allowing for timely intervention.
    • Software heartbeats: Heartbeat signals are regularly exchanged between software components within the system. If a component fails to provide or respond to the heartbeat, it is an indication of a potential fault.
  • Complex control systems often have multiple potential failure points, making foolproof fault detection challenging. Implementing comprehensive fault detection mechanisms can be costly and time-consuming.
  • The most damaging situation is a failure to control the outputs of the system. Therefore, fault detection should be as close to the output as possible to achieve the highest level of reliability. In the case of the Mark VIe system, triple redundant controllers and I/O modules are employed. These redundant components allow for voting the outputs of all three controllers and monitoring any discrepancies. This approach provides a high level of detection and fault masking, ensuring the system operates reliably even in the presence of potential failures.
  • By combining redundant components, fault detection mechanisms, and monitoring techniques, complex control systems like the Mark VIe can achieve a heightened level of reliability and minimize the risk of downtime or forced outages.

System Output Processing

  • The process of output processing within the control system is a crucial stage where calculated data is transmitted to external hardware interfaces, eventually reaching the diverse actuators responsible for governing the underlying processes. In the realm of Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), the outputs undergo a meticulous voting procedure in dedicated hardware. This approach ensures redundancy and fault tolerance, enhancing the overall reliability of the system.
  • Every system, including those operating with simplex hardware, has the capability to output individual signals. However, the TMR configuration brings an additional layer of reliability through the voting controllers. These controllers operate independently, calculating TMR system outputs and transmitting them to their associated Input/Output (I/O) hardware components. For instance, the R controller sends its output to the R I/O.
  • The uniqueness of the TMR approach lies in the triple redundancy, where three independent outputs are generated by separate controllers. This redundancy not only provides fault tolerance but also introduces a voting mechanism that combines these outputs into a single, consensually agreed-upon value. This consolidated output ensures that the system remains robust and responsive even in the face of potential hardware failures.
  • The voting mechanism is adaptable to different signal types, employing varying methods to establish the final voted value. This flexibility ensures that diverse signal characteristics are accommodated, allowing for optimal processing efficiency across a spectrum of applications.


  • DIN Rail Mounting: Designed to be easily mounted on standard DIN rails, allowing for efficient and organized installation within control panels or enclosures.
  • Contact Outputs: Provides electrical contacts, often in the form of relay outputs, to facilitate the switching or control of external devices in an industrial system.
  • Input Compatibility: Compatible with different types of input signals, such as digital or analog signals, enabling integration with diverse sensors and input devices.
  • Modularity: Often designed as modular units, allowing for flexibility in system configuration. Modules can be added or removed based on the specific requirements of the application.
  • High Current and Voltage Ratings: Capable of handling high currents and voltages to accommodate a wide range of industrial loads and devices.
  • Isolation: Electrical isolation between the input and output sides helps prevent interference and ensures the stability of the control system.
  • Status Indicators: Equipped with LED indicators to provide visual feedback on the status of each output channel, facilitating diagnostics and troubleshooting.
  • Overload Protection: Built-in protection mechanisms, such as overload protection, safeguard the module and connected devices from potential damage.
  • Wide Temperature Range: Designed to operate within a broad temperature range, ensuring reliability in different industrial environments.
  • Configurability: Some modules offer configurable parameters, such as delay times or response thresholds, allowing customization to specific application needs.
  • Compatibility with Industrial Communication Protocols: Integration with standard industrial communication protocols, like Modbus or Profibus, for seamless communication with other components in the control system.
  • Compact Design: Space-efficient and compact form factor to optimize the use of available panel or enclosure space.
  • Enclosure Rating: May have a specified IP (Ingress Protection) rating, indicating the degree of protection against dust and water, ensuring suitability for various industrial settings.

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What is IS200DTCCH1A?
It is a Contact Output Module developed by General Electrics.

What is TMR output?
TMR output stands for Triple Modular Redundancy output. It is a redundant system design that utilizes three voting controllers to calculate system outputs independently.

How are TMR outputs voted in the output voting hardware?
The outputs from the three voting controllers are combined into a single output through a voting mechanism. This mechanism determines the final output value based on a predefined voting strategy.

Can any system output signals through simplex hardware?
Yes, any system can output individual signals through simplex hardware, which refers to non-redundant hardware that transmits signals without redundancy or voting mechanisms.