IS200BPPBH2C - Processor Board

IS200BPPBH2C - Processor Board IS200BPPBH2C - Processor Board

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Part Number: IS200BPPBH2C
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VIe
Function: Processor Board
Operating temperature: -30 to 65 degrees Celsius
Product type: PCB
Software: Control System Toolbox/CIMPLICITY
Model Type: Safety I/O Pack
Repair: 3-5 Days
Availability: In-Stock
Manual: GEH-6721
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IS200BPPBH2C is a Processor Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VIe control system. The Mark VIe control system control and protection caters to an extensive range of applications from steam and gas turbines to the intricate balance of plant (BoP) equipment essential in power generation. Engineered with precision, it offers an array of features to enhance redundancy, maintainability, and the ability to position Input/Output (I/O) interfaces in close proximity to the controlled equipment, thereby optimizing operational efficiency.

Design and Integration

  • Secure Mounting: Utilizing four standoffs and screw mounts, the board securely connects to its motherboard. Brass-plated factory-drilled holes ensure stability and alignment, facilitating a robust connection.
  • Shaped Edges: The board features precisely shaped edges along three sides, tailored to accommodate components on the motherboard. This design ensures proper clearance and alignment, promoting smooth integration and efficient space utilization.


  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: With an operating temperature range spanning from -30 to 65 degrees Celsius, the card excels in reliability across varying environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures.
  • Temperature Sensor: Equipped with a temperature sensor, the board provides accurate temperature measurements within 2 degrees Celsius. Recorded data enables continuous monitoring and analysis, enhancing system reliability.
  • Alarm Triggering: Temperature data from the sensor can trigger alarms if thresholds are exceeded or fallen below, enabling proactive measures to mitigate potential issues and ensure system integrity.
  • LED Indicators: The board features two LED indicators along one edge, providing visual feedback on operational status.
  • Connectors and Jacks: Two vertical connectors of different sizes and two phone jacks facilitate versatile connectivity options.
  • Operator Interface: The Mark VIe Series offers comprehensive monitoring, control, and protection through a Windows-based PC operator interface. Preloaded proprietary software such as CIMPLICITY graphics and the Control System Toolbox ensures optimal turbine performance.

System Core Components

  • Controllers: Serving as the centre of the system, controllers execute control algorithms, process sensor data, and issue commands to actuators. These controllers are equipped with advanced processing capabilities to handle complex control tasks efficiently.
  • I/O Networks: Facilitating communication between controllers and I/O modules, the I/O networks form the backbone of data exchange within the system. These networks employ robust protocols to ensure reliable data transmission in demanding industrial environments.
  • I/O Modules: Responsible for interfacing with the physical world, I/O modules facilitate the connection between sensors, actuators, and the control system. These modules come in various configurations to accommodate different types of signals and interface requirements.
  • Dual Unit Data Highway (UDH) Networks: The Mark VIe control system implements dual unit data highway (UDH) networks to ensure redundancy and fault tolerance. This configuration enhances system reliability by providing backup communication channels in case of network failures or component malfunctions.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VIe requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200BPPBH2C?
It is a processor board developed by GE under the Mark VIe series.

What is the purpose of the temperature sensor in the I/O pack?
The temperature sensor in the I/O pack provides accurate temperature measurements within 2 degrees Celsius. These measurements are stored in a database, allowing for temperature monitoring and analysis. If the temperature exceeds or falls below a predefined threshold, it can trigger an alarm to alert operators or initiate appropriate actions.

What software is preloaded on the Windows-based PC operator interface for the Mark VIe?
The Windows-based PC operator interface for the Mark VIe comes preloaded with proprietary software, including CIMPLICITY graphics and the Control System Toolbox. These software packages enable complete monitoring, control, and protection for optimal turbine performance.

What components can be found on the BPPB?
It includes two LED (light emitting diodes) located along a board edge, two vertical connectors of different sizes, two phone jacks, an inductor coil, several capacitors, integrated circuits, and several transistors. Additionally, there is an AMD memory chip located near the center of the board, and all components are marked with reference designators.