World Of Controls understands the criticality of your requirement and works towards reducing the lead time as much as possible.

IC200MDL741 -GE FANUC PLC MODULE is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC200MDL741 -GE FANUC PLC MODULE comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

To avail our best deals for IC200MDL741 -GE FANUC PLC MODULE, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Part Number: IC200MDL741
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: GE Fanuc
Function: Discrete Output Modules

The GE Fanuc IC200MDL741 is a Discrete Output Module with a voltage of 24 VDC and a current of 0.5 A. It has 16 discrete outputs in one group, an output voltage of 18 to 30 Volts DC, and an external power source. This device contains a single grouping of 16 discrete signal output points that can be either source or positive logic. Switching and providing current to each load is the responsibility of these output points. This module requires a separate 5V power supply, and the amount of current users from the external power source is limited to 75 milliamps. In the event of a short circuit, the external power supply must be able to give enough field power to this module.

  • Otherwise, field power will fall below the required levels, causing this module to malfunction. Electronic Short Circuit Protection (ESCP), overcurrent protection, and free-wheeling diodes for each output point are all included in the IC200MDL741.
  • The maximum range of the steady-state overcurrent tripping point is 0.7 amps to 2.5 amps. Furthermore, this module does not support channels that are independently separated.

WOC has the largest stock of GE Mark I & II Spare Parts and we can repair your faulty IC200MDL741 with a warranty. WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply UNUSED and REBUILT components backed up with a warranty. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your critical spare needs, contact us.


What is GE Fanuc IC200MDL741?

The GE Fanuc IC200MDL741 is a Discrete Output Module with a voltage of 24 VDC and a current of 0.5 A.

How to Check Price and Availability For IC200MDL741?

Please Contact World of Controls FZE for sales at +1 609 385 1231 or Request a Quote.

Does the IC200MDL741 have a Warranty?

WOC can also supply UNUSED and REBUILT IC200MDL741 backed up with a warranty of 24 months.