DS200TCRAG1B - Relay Output Board

DS200TCRAG1B - Relay Output Board DS200TCRAG1B - Relay Output Board

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Part Number: DS200TCRAG1B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Product type: Relay Output Board
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

DS200TCRAG1B is a Relay Output Board designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark V control system. The Digital Relay Output Board (TCRA), situated within the digital cores, is equipped with a maximum of 30 relays, labeled K1 through K30. Each digital I/O core typically includes two boards. The TCRA board in location four of the Q11 core has only four relays, which are linked to the TCQE via the JO connector. These specific relays are used to control gas manifold blow-off valves in certain applications. All other TCRA boards, including those in location five of Q11 and Q51 cores, comprise a full complement of 30 relays.


  • In particular, the first 18 relays on the TCRA board in location four of the Q51 core can be configured to supply power for operating solenoids. Additionally, the first 16 relays on the board in location five of both the Q11 and Q51 cores can be configured in a similar manner. This configuration is facilitated through the use of hardware jumpers on the DTBC and DTBD terminal boards.
  • For added functionality, two extra contact outputs, designated as #47 and #48, can be enabled on the board in location five of either the Q11 or Q51 cores by connecting power through connectors J19 and J20. These connectors deliver 120/240 V AC power from the PD core to the DTBD board within one of the cores, commonly employed for ignition transformers. The instructions to open or close the relays are transmitted to the TCRA boards by the TCDA boards in the digital cores.
  • It is important to note that the first 18 solenoid outputs in the Q21 core cannot be reconfigured to function as solenoid power sources.


  • JO: This function is responsible for transmitting signals from the TCDA board to the TCRA board in location five for Q11, Q21, and Q51. It also transmits signals from the TCDA board to the TCRA board in location four of the Q21 and Q51 cores. In the Q11 core, it transfers signals from the TCQE board in the R1 core to the TCRA board in location four, controlling the gas manifold blow-off valve.
  • JS1: This connector links relay outputs to the terminal board.
  • JS2: This connector also connects relay outputs to the DTBC/D terminal board.
  • JS3: Similar to JS2, JS3 connects relay outputs to the DTBC/D terminal board.
  • JS4: This connector, like JS2 and JS3, connects relay outputs to terminal board.
  • JS5: This connector links relay outputs
  • JS6: This connector connects relay output
  • JS7: This connector also links relay outputs from TCRA to the DTBC/D terminal board.
  • JS8: Similarly, this connector connects relay outputs 
  • JOR/S/T: These connectors are not used in the described setup.



  • The hardware configuration responsible for supplying power to the relays or converting them to solenoids is conducted at the terminal board level, specifically on the DTBC and DTBD terminal boards.


  • No software configuration is required or conducted directly on the TCRA board.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is DS200TCRAG1B?
It is a Relay Output Board designed and developed by GE

What is the primary function of the Digital Relay Output Board in the Mark V control system?
The board is responsible for controlling and managing up to 30 relays, typically labeled from K1 to K30. It plays a crucial role in handling various control functions within the Mark V system.

How many TCRA are typically present in a digital I/O core, and how are they distributed?
Each digital I/O core generally includes two boards, which provide redundancy and flexibility in controlling multiple relays.

What is the specific function of the board in location four of the Q11 core?
The board in location four of the Q11 core is equipped with four relays, and these relays are connected to the TCQE via the JO connector. They are primarily used for controlling gas manifold blow-off valves in certain applications.

How can the TCRA boards be configured to supply power for solenoids?
The first 18 relays on the board in location four of the Q51 core can be configured to provide power for operating solenoids. A similar configuration can be applied to the first 16 relays on the board in location five of both the Q11 and Q51 cores. This configuration involves the use of hardware jumpers on the DTBC and DTBD terminal boards.