DS200TCRAG1ABB - Relay Output Board

DS200TCRAG1ABB - Relay Output Board DS200TCRAG1ABB - Relay Output Board

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Part No.: DS200TCRAG1ABB
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Technology: Surface mount
Product Type: Relay Output Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark V

Functional Description

DS200TCRAG1ABB is a Relay Output Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark V control system. The Relay Output Board (TCRA) is a component located within the cores , featuring up to 30 relays labeled K1 through K30. Each digital IO core typically houses two boards, ensuring redundancy and operational continuity. These boards serve as pivotal switches controlled by the system's logic controllers, enabling the management of diverse electrical circuits crucial for industrial processes. With capabilities to handle tasks such as controlling pumps, valves, motors, and alarms, the boards integrate seamlessly into system architectures.


Hardware Configuration

  • At the hardware level, the board interfaces with terminal boards such as DTBC and DTBD.
  • These terminal boards facilitate the necessary power supply to the relays or enable their configuration to act as solenoids.
  • This hardware configuration is crucial as it determines how the relays interact with external devices and systems, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance in diverse operational scenarios.

Software Configuration

  • Unlike hardware configuration, no software configuration is performed directly itself.
  • Software control and coordination are managed through higher-level components of the system architecture.

Contact Output Circuits

  • Signal Origination: Signals originate from the Control System Processor (CSP), which sends commands to operate specific relays based on system requirements.
  • Transmission via COREBUS: These signals are transmitted via the COREBUS communication to the STCA, which interpret and process the commands.
  • Communication to TCDA Boards via IONET: The STCA boards relay the interpreted signals to the Terminal Control (TCDA) boards using the IONET communication protocol, ensuring precise and reliable transmission.
  • Command Execution via JO Connector: The boards then write the command signals to the TCRA board via the JO connector. This action energizes the relays on the TCRA board, enabling them to switch between open and closed states as required by the command signals received.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark V requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DS200TCRAG1ABB?
It is a Relay Output Board developed by GE under the Mark V series.

How are relay operations controlled within the board?
Relay operations on the board are initiated by signals from the CSP. These signals are transmitted via COREBUS to the STCA boards, which interpret and relay them to the Terminal Control boards through IONET. The boards then write command signals to the board via the JO connector, energizing the relays to perform open/close actions as required.

What types of circuits can the board control?
The board controls various types of circuits depending on the configuration set at the terminal board level. It can switch relays to control electrical devices such as pumps, valves, motors, and alarms, or configure relays as solenoids for specific applications.