DS200TCCBG3B - Common Extended Analog I/O Board

DS200TCCBG3B - Common Extended Analog I/O Board DS200TCCBG3B - Common Extended Analog I/O Board

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Part No.: DS200TCCBG3B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States of America
Product Type: Common Extended Analog I/O Board
Series: Mark V

DS200TCCBG3B is a Common Extended Analog I/O Board developed by GE under the Mark V series. The Common Extended Analog I/O Board (TCCB) provides scaling and conditioning, for additional analog I/O signals read from the TCEB board in the P1 core and the TBCB terminal board installed on the R5 core. These signals consist of the line current inputs, RTDs, generator and bus voltage inputs, and 4-20 mA/0-1 mA inputs. Through the 3PL connector, the STCA board gets the scaled and conditioned signals.

  • It has one microprocessor and Multiple PROM modules. The board includes one LED and 2 fifty pin connectors. The STCA board receives signals through the 3PL connector. The board possesses an 80196 microprocessor.
  • The main function of the component is to provide scaling and conditioning for additional I/O signals. This board has three jumpers. The 50 pin connectors are called JCC and JDD.

DS200TCCBG3B Configuration


The Mark V LM's generator and bus voltage monitoring functions, as well as the line current monitoring function, are provided by the hardware jumpers J1, J2, J3, J4, and J5. The RS232 serial port is connected to DCOM using hardware jumper J14. J15 and J16 are hardware jumpers that are used for testing.


The HMI's I/O Configuration Editor is where software I/O configuration constants for the RTDs, mA inputs, generator, bus voltage, and line current settings are entered.

Generator/Bus Voltage and Current Input

The TCCB board scales and conditions the voltage signals from the generator, bus, and line, as well as the current signals from the line (PT and CT). The TCCB calculates the generator megawatt, power factor, and VARs utilized for power system monitoring using these signals, which are used to determine the phase currents and voltages. These signals are taken in via the JMP connector from the PTBA terminal board, scaled on the TCEB board in the core, and written to the TCCB board.

WOC experts are always available to help you with your Mark V GE turbine control component requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.




What is DS200TCCBG3B?
DS200TCCBG3B is a Common Extended Analog I/O Board developed by GE under the Mark V series.

Which board receives the scaled and conditioned signals from the component?
The scaled and conditioned signals are received by the STCA board via the 3PL connector. The TBCB terminal board's analog I/O signals are read by the board.

What is the purpose of the 2PL connector?
The 2PL connector transmits power from the TCPS board to the R5 core.

How do you connect the RS-232 on the board?
To connect the RS-232 serial port to DCOM use the hardware jumper J14.

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