DS200SLCCG3AEG - LAN Communications Card

DS200SLCCG3AEG - LAN Communications Card DS200SLCCG3AEG - LAN Communications Card

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Part No.: DS200SLCCG3AEG
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Product Type: LAN Communications Card
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark V

Functional Description

DS200SLCCG3AEG is a LAN Communications Card developed by GE. It is a part of the Mark V control system. The board integrates both isolated and non-isolated circuits designed for communication with the drive or exciter. It features a 16-position alphanumeric display controlled by U18, which connects to the programmer module. This module is mounted on the SLCC and interfaces via connector KPPL.


  • At the core of the SLCC is the LAN Control Processor, U1 (LCP), which serves as the principal microprocessor. The LCP's software is stored in two replaceable EPROMs (U6 and U7).
  • Dedicated RAM for the LCP is provided by U8 and U9. Additionally, dual-ported RAM (U5) facilitates communication between the LCP and the Drive Control Processor (DCP) located on the DS215SDCC Drive Control Card (SDCC) via 3PL.
  • Dual-ported RAM (DPR) is a type of memory configuration where memory arrays can be accessed independently and simultaneously by two microprocessors, in this case, facilitating efficient communication between the LCP and the DCP on the card.


  • 2PL: The connector manages 5V, 15V, and 24V DC input/output signals among critical components such as the Power Supply/Interface Board (IMCP, DCI, SDCI, or DCFB), Drive Terminal Board, Drive Control Card, and the board itself, essential for power distribution and fundamental I/O communication across the control system.
  • 3PL: The connector manages inputs from the Drive Control Card to the SLCC. This interface facilitates communication specifically related to drive control functions and data exchange between the SLCC and the SDCC.
  • 10PL: This connector handles I/O interactions between the LAN I/O Terminal Board and the SLCC. It serves as a gateway for LAN-based communications, likely involving data exchange and control signals crucial for networked operations.
  • ARCPL: It manages I/O interactions between DLAN and ARCNET signals and the card. This connector is pivotal for interfacing with specialized network protocols like ARCNET, enabling specific network-related functionalities within the control system.
  • KPPL: The connector facilitates I/O between the Programmer Module's keypad and the SLCC. It serves as the interface for user input and control commands via the keypad, enabling direct interaction with the programming and operational settings. 

The WOC team can always help you with your Mark V requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DS200SLCCG3AEG?
It is an LAN Communications Card developed by GE under the Mark V series.

Can the LAN Control Processor (LCP) software in EPROMs U6 and U7 be configured in the field?
No, the LCP software stored in EPROMs U6 and U7 cannot be configured in the field. These EPROMs contain fixed software configurations that are essential for the operation of the card.

Are EPROMs U6 and U7 replaceable?
Yes, EPROMs U6 and U7 are replaceable and can be transferred from one board to another if needed. This allows for easy replacement or upgrading of the EPROMs without requiring significant reconfiguration.