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DS200PANAH1ACC - ARCNET LAN Driver Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

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Part Number: DS200PANAH1ACC
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Product type: ARCNET LAN Driver Board
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

DS200PANAH1ACC is an ARCNET LAN Driver Board designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark V control system. The LAN Driver Board, abbreviated as PANA, plays a crucial role in facilitating ARCNET communication within the system, particularly for COREBUS and Stage Link functionalities. Positioned as a daughterboard on the LBC586P board within R, the PANA board serves as a vital intermediary, linking various components for seamless data exchange.

Features and Connections

  • ARCNET Communication: It acts as the conduit for ARCNET communication, enabling efficient data transmission between different modules and systems, specifically catering to COREBUS and Stage Link operations.
  • Connectivity to AAHA Boards: The board interfaces with AAHA boards via its APL and BPL connectors. These connections establish communication channels between the LAN Driver Board and the AAHA boards, facilitating data transfer and coordination.
  • Integration with Control Engine: Data relayed through the board is ultimately transferred to the Control Engine LBC586P processor board. This exchange of information occurs through P1 and P2 bus connectors, ensuring seamless integration with the processing capabilities of the Control Engine.
  • Location and Configuration: Within the system architecture, one board is designated for location 1 within R. This strategic placement optimizes data flow and accessibility, enhancing overall system performance and reliability.


  • APL (Arcnet Port Link): The APL connector serves as the ARCNET communication link specifically designated for connecting to the AAHA1 board. ARCNET, a widely used local area network (LAN) protocol, enables efficient data exchange between devices within the network. By establishing a direct link to the AAHA1 board through the APL connector, the PANA board enables seamless communication and data transfer between these components.
  • BPL (Bus Port Link): The BPL connector serves a similar purpose to the APL connector but is dedicated to connecting with the AAHA2 board. This connector establishes another ARCNET communication link, ensuring reliable data transmission between the board and the AAHA2 board. By providing distinct communication channels via the APL and BPL connectors, the PANA board facilitates parallel communication with multiple AAHA boards, enhancing overall system efficiency.
  • P1 and P2 Bus Connections: The P1 and P2 connectors are bus connections that establish communication links between the board and the LBC586P processor board. These connections enable the exchange of data between the board and the Control Engine, which is housed on the LBC586P board. By utilizing these bus connections, the board integrates seamlessly with the Control Engine, ensuring coordinated operation and data flow within the system architecture.

Hardware features

  • Switches:
    • The board features four switches, with two allocated for Channel A (Stage Link) and the remaining two for Channel B (COREBUS).
    • These switches are utilized to set the ARCNET addresses associated with each channel, providing a means to designate unique identifiers for communication within the R core.
    • By adjusting the positions of these switches, users can configure the ARCNET addresses according to their specific requirements, enabling efficient data routing and management within the network.
  • Hardware Jumpers:
    • In addition to switches, hardware jumpers are employed to configure various parameters crucial for ARCNET communication, including interrupt, I/O address, and memory address settings for each ARCNET channel.
    • These settings are factory-specific and are predetermined based on the internal software settings of the system.
    • It's essential to ensure that replacement boards have identical hardware jumper configurations to maintain consistency with the original setup.
    • Verifying the hardware jumper settings on replacement boards is crucial to avoid discrepancies that could potentially disrupt system functionality.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is DS200PANAH1ACC?
It is an ARCNET LAN Driver Board designed and developed by GE

What are the switches on the board used for?
The switches on the board are used to set the ARCNET addresses for Channel A (Stage Link) and Channel B (COREBUS) within the R core.

How many switches are there, and how are they allocated for each channel?
There are four switches in total, with two assigned for Channel A and two for Channel B. This allocation allows users to configure ARCNET addresses independently for each channel.

What is the purpose of the hardware jumpers on the board?
Hardware jumpers are used to set parameters such as interrupt, I/O address, and memory address settings for each ARCNET channel. These settings are factory-specific and are essential for proper communication within the system.