DS200LDCCG1A - Drive Control Board

DS200LDCCG1A - Drive Control Board DS200LDCCG1A - Drive Control Board

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DS200LDCCG1A - Drive Control Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

DS200LDCCG1A - Drive Control Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: DS200LDCCG1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Function: LAN CARD

General Electric Speedtronic Mark V DS200LDCCG1A is a Drive Control LAN Communications Board and is part of the gas turbine control system. The DS200LDCCG1A is a Mark V series base-level control board. It was created to control the GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 exciters and drives by providing drive and I/O controls. The board contains four microprocessors, allowing the DS200LDCCG1A to cover a wide range of I/O and drive control. Position U1 on the board houses the drive control processor (DCP). This module has integrated I/O peripherals, such as timers and decoders. The second component is a motor control processor (MCP), which is labeled U21 on the board.

  • This processor includes motor control circuitry as well as I/O (analog and digital) connections. The co-motor processor is located at U35 (CMP). The LAN control processor (LCP) in position U18 is the final processor on the board.
  • This processor supports five bus systems: DLAN+, DLAN, Genius, CPL, and C-bus. With an associated alphanumeric keypad, a user interface system is provided. Users can examine and alter system settings and diagnostics using this interface system.
  • WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply UNUSED and REBUILT DS200LDCCG1A backed up with a warranty of 24 months. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your DS200LDCCG1A needs.
  • Our sales team at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. Please contact our staff by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is the function of the LAN Control Card DS200LDCCG1A?

With the GE DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 drives and exciters line, the DS200LDCCG1A played four key roles.

What are the most often utilized drives?

In order to provide very fine control, DC drives have been widely used in industrial driving applications.

In motor control, which processor is used?

C2000 microcontrollers have been utilized to control motors in a wide range of applications. These are mostly three-phase machines with power levels ranging from a few hundred watts to many megawatts.