IS220PTCCH2A - Thermocouple Input Pack

IS220PTCCH2A - Thermocouple Input Pack IS220PTCCH2A - Thermocouple Input Pack

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Part Number: IS220PTCCH2A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VIe
Product Type: Thermocouple Input Pack
Number of channels: 12
Thermocouple types: E, J, K, S, T thermocouples, and mV inputs
Span: -8 mV to +45 mV
Repair: 3-5 days
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacturer: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IS220PTCCH2A is a thermocouple input pack developed by General Electric. It is a part of Mark VIe control system. The Thermocouple Input (PTCC) pack serves as the intermediary between one or two I/O Ethernet networks and a thermocouple input terminal board. This pack facilitates the acquisition of thermocouple data and incorporates essential components for seamless integration within the Mark VIe distributed I/O system.

Pack Components

  • Processor Board: Common to all Mark VIe distributed I/O packs, this board handles overall processing tasks.
  • Acquisition Board: Specifically tailored for thermocouple input functionality, this board manages the acquisition of thermocouple data.


  • The PTCC pack can accommodate up to 12 thermocouple inputs, with the capability to handle 24 inputs when two packs are employed.
  • In a TMR configuration with the terminal board, three packs are utilized with three cold junctions, providing 12 available thermocouples.

Input and Output

  • Input to the pack is facilitated through dual RJ45 Ethernet connectors and a three-pin power input, ensuring efficient connectivity.
  • Output is directed through a DC-37 pin connector, directly mating with the associated terminal board connector for streamlined communication.

Diagnostics and Communications

  • Visual diagnostics are provided through indicator LEDs, offering quick insights into operational status.
  • Local diagnostic serial communications are facilitated through an infrared port, allowing for detailed diagnostic analysis and troubleshooting.

Analog Input Hardware features

  • The Analog Input Hardware forms a crucial component of the PTCC input board, facilitating the acquisition of signals from thermocouples wired to the terminal board. This hardware module ensures accurate and reliable conversion of mV-level signals into digital data for further processing within the system.
  • Functional Components:
    • Signal Acceptance: The input board is capable of accepting signals from up to 12 thermocouples wired to the terminal board.
    • Analog Input Section: This section comprises six differential multiplexers, a main multiplexer, and a high-resolution 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). These components work in tandem to process analog signals effectively.
    • Multiplexers: The presence of differential and main multiplexers allows for efficient selection and routing of input signals to the ADC, ensuring optimal signal processing.
    • Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC): The 16-bit ADC performs the crucial task of converting analog signals into digital data with high precision and accuracy.
  • Filtering and Sampling:
    • Hardware and Firmware Filters: Each input signal is subjected to both hardware and firmware filters to minimize noise and ensure signal integrity.
    • Sampling Rate: The ADC operates at a sampling rate of up to 120 Hz, enabling rapid and accurate conversion of analog signals into digital format.
  • Data Processing:
    • Data Transmission: Upon conversion, the digital data is transmitted to the adjacent processor board for further processing and analysis. Integration with Processor Board: The seamless integration between the analog input hardware and the processor board allows for efficient data transfer and system operation.

Fault Detection Mechanisms

  • Fault detection is a critical aspect of ensuring the reliability and safety of the system. Various mechanisms are employed to detect abnormalities or deviations from expected values, including high/low limit checks, both at the hardware and software levels, and monitoring of essential parameters such as thermocouples (TCs), cold junctions (CJs), calibration voltages, and calibration zero readings.
  • High/Low Limit Checks:
    • Hardware Limit Check: This mechanism involves the implementation of hardware circuits or components that monitor the input signals and compare them against predefined high and low limits. Any signal exceeding or falling below these limits triggers a fault condition, indicating a potential issue.
    • Software Limit Check: In addition to hardware checks, software algorithms are employed to perform high/low limit checks at the system level. These software-based checks provide additional layers of monitoring and can dynamically adjust the limits based on system conditions or requirements.
  • Monitoring Parameters:
    • Thermocouples (TCs): The system continuously monitors the readings from all thermocouples to detect any anomalies or deviations from expected values. Any significant variation from the normal range can indicate a fault or malfunction.
    • Cold Junctions (CJs): Similar to TCs, the system monitors the readings from cold junctions to ensure proper calibration and compensation for temperature variations. Deviations from expected CJ values can signal calibration issues or sensor malfunctions.
    • Calibration Voltages and Zero Readings: Monitoring of calibration voltages and zero readings ensures the accuracy and reliability of the measurement system. Any discrepancies in these values can indicate calibration drift or sensor degradation, prompting further investigation or corrective action.
  • Fault Reporting and Handling:
    • Detected faults are reported to the system's monitoring interface, where they are logged and displayed for operator review. Depending on the severity and nature of the fault, the system may initiate automated corrective actions, such as recalibration routines or sensor reconfiguration. In cases where faults cannot be automatically resolved, operators are alerted to take manual intervention, such as sensor replacement or system maintenance.

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What is IS220PTCCH2A?
It is a thermocouple input pack developed by General Electrics.

What self-tests are performed during system power-up?
The system conducts a comprehensive self-test that includes checks of RAM, flash memory, Ethernet ports, and processor board hardware to ensure proper functioning and integrity.

How are internal power supplies monitored?
The system continuously monitors the internal power supplies to verify correct operation, ensuring stable and reliable power distribution throughout the system.

What checks are conducted to confirm hardware compatibility?
The system verifies electronic ID information from the terminal board, acquisition board, and processor board to confirm hardware compatibility. It ensures that the hardware set matches and that the application code loaded from flash memory is correct for the specific hardware configuration.

How is the status of relay drives and feedback monitored?
The system compares the commanded state of each relay drive with the feedback received from the command output circuit, ensuring proper relay operation and feedback synchronization.

What information is processed regarding relay board feedback?
The system reads and processes relay board-specific feedback, which may vary depending on the relay board type. Detailed feedback specifics are available in the relay terminal board documentation for reference.