IS215VCMIH2A - Bus Master Communication Controller Board

IS215VCMIH2A - Bus Master Communication Controller Board IS215VCMIH2A - Bus Master Communication Controller Board

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Part Number: IS215VCMIH2A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VI
Product Type: Bus Master Communication Controller Board
Board Type: 6U High VME Board
Technology: Surface Mount
Size: 17.8 cm wide x 33.02 cm
Common Mode Voltage Range: ±5 V
Operating temperature: 0 to 65 °C
Memory: Dual port
No.of Analog Voltage Inputs: 6
Repair: 3-7 Day
Weight: 2.00 lbs
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin: United States
Manual: GEH-6421H


IS215VCMIH2A is a Bus Master Communication Controller Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the VI Series used in GE Speedtronic Gas Turbine Control Systems. The VCMI board in the control and interface module communicates internally to the I/O boards in its rack, and to the other VCMI cards through the IONet. There are two versions, one with one Ethernet IONet port for simplex systems, and the other with three Ethernet ports for TMR systems. Simplex systems have one control module connected to one or more interface modules using a single cable. The VCMI with three separate IONet ports is used in TMR systems for communication with the three I/O channels Rx, Sx, and Tx, and with the two other control modules. Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT) voting is implemented in the VCMI board. Input data from each of the IONet connections is voted in each of the R, S, and T VCMI boards. The results are passed to the control signal database in the controllers (labeled UCVx in the diagram) through the backplane VME bus.

In TMR mode, the VCMI voter in the control module is always the Master of the IONet and also provides the IONet clock. Time synch messages from the time source on the UDH are sent to the controllers and then to the VCMIs. All input data from a single rack is sent in one or more IONet packets (approximately 1500 bytes per packet maximum). The VCMI in the control module broadcasts all data for all remote racks in one packet, and each VCMI in the remote rack extracts the appropriate data from the packet.

IONeT Communication Controller Board:

  • The IONet connection on the VCMI is a BNC for 10Base2 Ethernet. The interface circuit is high impedance allowing “T” tap connections with 50 Ω terminal at the first and last node. The cabling distances are restricted to 185 meters per segment with up to eight nodes, using RG-58C/U or equivalent cable.
  • The Link Layer protocol is IEEE 802.3 standard Ethernet. The application layer protocol uses Asynchronous Device Language (ADL) messaging with special adaptations for the input/output handling and the state exchanges. The VCMI board acts as the IONet Master and polls the remote interface module for data.
  • The VCMI Master broadcasts a command to all slave stations on a single IONet causing them to respond with their message consecutively. To avoid collisions on the media, each station is told how long to delay before attempting to transmit. Utilizing this Master/slave mechanism, and running at 10 Mb/s, the IONet is capable of transmitting a 1000-byte packet every millisecond (8 MHz bit rate).


  • Most I/O boards, are single-width VME boards, of similar design and front cabinet, using the same digital signal processor (TMS320C32). The central processing unit (CPU) is a high-speed processor designed for digital filtering and for working with data in IEEE 32-bit floating point format.
  • The task scheduler operates at a 1 ms and 5 ms rate to support high-speed analog and discrete inputs. The I/O boards synchronize their input scan to complete a cycle before being read by the VCMI board. Contact inputs in the VCCC and VCRC are time-stamped to 1 ms to provide a sequence of events (SOE) monitor.
  • Each I/O board contains the required sensor characteristic library, for example, thermocouple and RTD linearizations. Bad sensor data and alarm signal levels, both high and low, are detected and alarmed. The I/O configuration in the toolbox can be downloaded over the network to change the program online.
  • This means that I/O boards can accept tune-up commands and data while running. Certain I/O boards, such as the servo and turbine board, contain special control functions in firmware. This allows loops, such as the valve position control, to run locally instead of in the controller.

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What is a Bus Master Communication Controller Board?

A Bus Master Communication Controller Board is a hardware component used in computer systems to manage communication between different devices connected to the system bus. It typically acts as a controller for data transfer and communication protocols.

What are the main functions of a Bus Master Communication Controller Board?

The main functions include controlling data transfers between devices on the system bus, managing communication protocols such as UART, SPI, and I2C, and handling interrupt requests from devices.

What are the common applications of Bus Master Communication Controller Boards?

These boards are commonly used in embedded systems, industrial automation, networking equipment, and communication devices where multiple devices need to communicate efficiently.