IC3600VBCU - Binary Counter Card

IC3600VBCU - Binary Counter Card IC3600VBCU - Binary Counter Card

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IC3600VBCU - Binary Counter Card is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600VBCU - Binary Counter Card comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: IC3600VBCU
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark I and II
Product Type: Binary Counter Card
Board Size: 16.51 cm High x 17.8 cm
Repair: 3-7 Days
Weight: 2.00 lbs
Country of Origin: USA
Availability: In Stock

Functional Description

IC3600VBCU is a binary counter card manufactured and designed by General Electric. It is a part of the Mark I and II Series. The VBCU (Variable Bit Count Unit) card features two 4-bit counters designed for counting operations triggered by input signals.


  • Counting Mechanism: The counters increment by one count each time the signal on input P transitions from a logic 0 to a logic 1. This input change triggers the counting process.
  • Output Options: Each bit of the counter has both a normal output and an inverse output. This allows for flexible use of the counter values in different logical conditions or applications.
  • Bit Control: The MC input, when set to logic 1, clears all bits within the counters, resetting them to zero. The MS input, when set to logic 0, sets all bits in the counters to 1 if their corresponding S input is also 1. This function allows for bulk setting of bits based on the state of S and MS.
  • Wired OR Expansion: The WS input is provided for the wired-OR expansion of the set operation. For this expansion to function correctly, S must be 0 or MS must be 1. This feature allows for connecting multiple counters or similar devices in a wired-OR configuration to synchronize their setting operations.
  • Status Output: Output GX15 will be set to 1 if all four bits of the counter are set to 1. This output serves as an indicator that the counter has reached its full count for the configured bit width.
  • Extended Counting: The two 4-bit counters on the VBCU card can be configured to operate as a single 8-bit counter. This is achieved by connecting the 0 output of the lower-order bit counter to the P input of the higher order bit counter. This setup allows for the combination of the two 4-bit counters into a single extended counting system.

WOC maintains the largest inventory of OEM replacement parts for GE Speedtronic Mark I and II gas turbine control systems. We offer repair services for faulty boards and provide both unused and rebuilt boards, all supported by a warranty. Our expert team is available 24/7 to assist with your OEM needs. For information on pricing and availability of parts and repairs, please contact us by phone or email.


What is IC3600VBCU?
It is a binary counter card developed by GE. It is a part of the Mark I and I series.

How does the card count?
Each counter on the card counts up by one each time the signal on input P changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1. This transition triggers the counting operation.

What are the output options for the card?
Each bit of the counters has both a normal and an inverse output, allowing for flexible utilization of counter values in different applications.

How can I clear all the bits in the card’s counters?
Setting the MC input to logic 1 will clear all bits in the counters, resetting them to zero.