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DS3800HARA - EPROM Card is available in stock which ships the same day.

DS3800HARA - EPROM Card comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: DS3800HARA
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark IV
Product type: EPROM Card
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

DS3800HARA is a EPROM Card designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark IV control system.�The hardware design of Mark IV panel represents a dynamic and forward-thinking approach. By aiming to accommodate a wide array of customer requirements and prioritizing on-the-fly repairability, it underscores the commitment to reliability, efficiency, and adaptability in industrial control systems. Over time, the panel's performance in meeting the ever-evolving needs of customers will be the ultimate measure of its success.

Versatility in Customer Panel Requirements

  • Base Design Versatility: One primary objective of the hardware design was to create a base design that could cater to the requirements of approximately 95% of customers without the need for significant hardware modifications. This adaptability primarily involves the addition or removal of optional cards, modules, or cables.
  • Software Configuration: To achieve this, the primary focus was on utilizing software configuration to accommodate specific customer requirements. The software was designed to be flexible and capable of adapting to a range of operational needs.
  • Historical Requirements Testing: The hardware design was rigorously tested against historical requirements, ensuring that it met the demands of existing customers effectively. This served as a benchmark for its versatility.
  • Future Needs Consideration: While the design was validated against past needs, it was also forward-thinking. Anticipating customers' future requirements, the design aimed to provide a platform that could evolve with changing demands. The true test of this objective's success would unfold over time as customer needs continued to evolve.

Ensuring Minimal Downtime

  • Running Turbine While Repairing: An equally crucial objective was to ensure that the panel could be repaired and maintained while the turbine was in operation. This goal required meticulous planning and design to minimize downtime and optimize operational efficiency.
  • Accessible Component Replacement: To achieve this, substantial effort was invested in arranging the panel in a manner where most of its components could be replaced with ease and safety, even with the panel energized and the turbine running.
  • Strategic Component Location: To enable seamless repairability, the modules containing the majority of active components, which are more likely to fail, were strategically located on the front doors of the panel. This arrangement ensures easy access to critical parts.
  • Minimizing Disruption: The emphasis on repairability while the turbine runs not only reduces maintenance time but also minimizes disruptions in industrial processes. This aligns with the objective of enhancing operational efficiency.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is DS3800HARA?
It is a EPROM Card designed and developed by GE.

What were the primary objectives in the hardware design of the Mark IV panel?
The main objectives were to accommodate a wide range of customer requirements without major hardware changes, enable on-the-fly repairability, and utilize pluggable cables for electrical connections.

How does the design ensure easy repairability for the panel?
The design involves constructing the panel from physical modules that can be easily handled by one person, thus facilitating quick and efficient repair. Additionally, the use of pluggable cables for electrical connections simplifies module replacement and reduces the chances of wiring errors.

What modules are included in the Mark IV panel, and why is the black start inverter undergoing redesign?
The panel is composed of various modules to control and monitor different aspects of the system. The black start inverter is being redesigned to meet Mark IV standards, ensuring consistency and compatibility.