DS2020FECNRX001A - 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module

DS2020FECNRX001A - 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module DS2020FECNRX001A - 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module

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Part Number: DS2020FECNRX001A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: DC2000
Product Type: 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module
Number of channels: 12
Common Mode Voltage Range: +5 V dc
Maximum Lead Resistance: 15 Ohm
Analog output current: 0-20 mA
Operating temperature: -30 to 65 �C
Size: 8.26 cm high x 4.18 cm
Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 2 lbs
Country of Origin: United States
Manual: GEH-6330B


DS2020FECNRX001A is a 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the DC2000 Series used in GE Speedtronic Turbine Control Systems. The DS2020FEC 24 Amp NRX/NRP Field Exciter Module (FEC) excites up to a 24 A motor field with a DC2000 drive. It can operate with either of two types of non-reversing field supplies: non-plugging(NRX) or plugging (NRP). The FEC typically is used with C, G, and M frame DC2000 drives. The FEC module can be mounted either within or outside the drive core. The module's I/O connections are made on its gating board, the DS200FSAAG1 (for NRP) or -G2 (for NRX). The -G1 board includes jumpers that allow it to function with NRX supplies. The module receives gate pulse signals from the drive's power supply board: a board (SDCI) for NRX-only applications and a DS200DCFB board(DCFB) for NRX or NRP applications. The SDCI can control only one FEC module; the DCFB board can control up to two FEC modules

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Is input ac polarity to unit L2-L3 correct?

Phasing synchronization for the field comes from AC inputs V1, V2, and V3 on the DCFB or SDCI board. Also, field phasing is sometimes switched in firmware (see EE.557 FSYADJ, Field Sync Adjust) to allow multiple 1-phase field supplies to balance the 3-phase transformer loading.

Is the drive firmware set correctly for the field supply unit?

The drive needs to know how many field supply units (1 or 2) and what type (NRP or NRX) field supply(s). See ST2000 HELP: PAR_ FEX_BEHAV, EE.573.2 MCNFGB or EE1500.8 MJPR00.

Is the di/dt reactor wired correctly?

The input ac line reactor limits the di/dt current through the power semiconductors. The reactor is connected in series with the ac input. The FEC modules can have either of two core designs: a separate magnetic core on each input phase, or a common magnetic core.

Are dv/dt resistor/capacitor (rc) snubbers connected?

An rc snubber across the ac input and one across the dc output protect the bridge against dv/dt transients. Also, the dc output rc snubber is needed to turn on the cells.