SS1112 - Heater Strip Element 240 VAC

 SS1112 - Heater Strip Element 240 VAC  SS1112 - Heater Strip Element 240 VAC

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Part Number: SS1112
Manufacturer: CALORITECH
Voltage: 240 VAC
Weight: 1.9 Pounds
Dimensions LxWxH: 14.75 x 3 x 3 inches
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin: USA

SS1112 is a Heater Strip Element 240 VAC manufactured by Caloritech. It is used to heat air or other inert gases, surface-heat tanks, provide heat for commercial ovens, and more. The use of the surface area for effective heat transfer is made simple and effective by strip heaters, also known as component heaters. The best industrial heating product is steel strip heating. They can be easily controlled by using a temperature controller, like a mechanical thermostat. Another inexpensive option is to mount a bimetal thermostat to the hot surface. Process heaters can be mounted firmly on nearly any surface thanks to the mounting holes, and the terminal extends from the sheath for simple electrical connections. Since the temperature control panel is easily adjustable to this design, many users also ask for lead wires that extend from one end, making the installation more versatile.

High-quality magnesium oxide is used in tubular elements that enable efficient heat transfer at temperatures up to 500°F (260°C). Strip heaters are a great option to fit any budget because they are a cheap way to heat surfaces or small spaces. A heating element, a cover or sheath that protects it, and mounting components make up a strip heater. To increase surface area and heat transfer to the air, fins can be added to radiant heater strip heaters. Strip heaters are ideal for indoor applications because they can be clamped or attached to items and provide solid surface contact heating across vast areas.


Ceramic Insulated Channel Strip Heaters may survive contamination better than mica strip heaters and can reach temperatures up to 1200°F (650°C) greater than mica and Maxistrip heaters.


For both forced air in a duct and natural convection air heating in a cabinet-style oven, ceramic insulated finned channel strip heaters are perfect.


Maxistrip Heaters' tough build quality was specifically created and constructed for the effective heating of flat surfaces. To prevent impurities from coming into direct contact with the tubular heating element, crown nuts firmly hold the cover plate to the aluminum track. The heating element's sheath may reach a maximum temperature of 650°F (343°C).


Mica Insulated Strip Heaters provide consistent heat transfer for sheath temperatures up to 900°F (482°C) and are a cost-effective, useful, and dependable heat source. Stainless steel sheaths are available for corrosive environments.

We support a large variety of GE gas turbine parts. The WOC team is always available to help you with your responsibilities. For more information or if you have a query, please contact WOC.


What is the purpose of a strip heater?

Strip heaters are mostly utilized in clamp-on installations and convection-type air heating.

What distinguishes regular heat from emergency heat?

Emergency heat is a second stage or backup heating source, whereas a heat pump is first stage heating.

How to Check Price and Availability For strip heater?

Please Contact World of Controls FZE for sales at +1 609 385 1231 or Request a Quote.