IS400JPDEG1ADC - Power Distribution Board

IS400JPDEG1ADC - Power Distribution Board IS400JPDEG1ADC - Power Distribution Board

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Part No.: IS400JPDEG1ADC
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Fuse for connectors JS1-JS3:FU11-12, FU21-22, FU31-32 7 A
Fuse for connectors JFA, JFB, JFC:FUA1-2, FUB1-2, FUC1-2
15 A 250 V, Bussmann ABC-15 typical
Board Size: 16.51 cm High x 17.8 cm Wide
Mounting: six mounting holes
Voltage Rating: 24 V dc or 48 V dc.
Technology: Surface-mount
Product Type: Power Distribution Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VIe

Functional Description

IS400JPDEG1ADC is a power distribution board developed by GE. It is part of Mark VIe series. It is a component in the system responsible for receiving DC power from batteries or power supplies and subsequently distributing it to terminal boards and various system loads. This board, designated as JPDE, is designed to support a floating DC bus configuration, maintaining its centralization on earth by employing resistors. It incorporates a mechanism using PPDA for voltage feedback, allowing the detection of potential system ground faults.


  • Voltage Configurations and Power Supply Integration: The board is engineered to accommodate inputs from two different power supplies and can operate at either 24 V DC or 48 V DC. Within the PDM (Power Distribution Module) system, it seamlessly integrates and provides valuable feedback through the PPDA I/O pack. However, it's important to note that the board has limitations concerning the maximum current it can efficiently handle due to its conventional construction.
  • Limitations and Non-Supply of Bulk Power: Despite its crucial role in power distribution, it's essential to recognize that JPDE does not directly supply power to bulk 500 W - 24 V input/28 V output power supplies used for providing control power to I/O packs.


  • Mounting Orientation: Designed to be base-mounted vertically on a sturdy metal bracket within a cabinet utilized by the Power Distribution Module (PDM). This vertical orientation optimizes space utilization within the cabinet while ensuring easy access for maintenance and cable routing.
  • Location: The metal bracket chosen for mounting the JPDE should be strategically located within the cabinet, considering factors such as accessibility, cable routing requirements, and proximity to other system components. Placing the JPDE in a central and easily accessible location facilitates efficient power distribution and simplifies troubleshooting tasks.
  • Wiring Diagrams: During installation, reference to the provided wiring diagrams is essential for proper power input and output routing. These diagrams detail the connection points, cable routing paths, and electrical specifications necessary for correct installation and operation of the JPDE. Following the wiring diagrams meticulously ensures accurate and reliable power distribution within the control system.
  • Power Input and Output Routing: The wiring diagrams guide the routing of power input and output cables to and from the JPDE. Input cables typically originate from the power source, while output cables are directed to the various components or subsystems requiring power within the control system. Proper routing of these cables minimizes interference, reduces the risk of cable damage, and ensures efficient power distribution.
  • Diagnostic Connector: The JPDE features a 50-pin diagnostic connector mounted on both the top and bottom of the board. These connectors provide convenient access for diagnostic purposes, facilitating troubleshooting and maintenance tasks. Diagnostic tools and equipment can be easily connected to these connectors to monitor system performance, diagnose faults, and perform diagnostic tests as needed.
  • Secure Mounting: Once positioned on the metal bracket, the JPDE should be securely fastened to ensure stability and reliability during operation. Adequate mounting hardware, such as screws or bolts, should be used to firmly affix to the bracket, minimizing the risk of movement or vibration-induced damage.
  • Testing and Verification: After installation, thorough testing and verification procedures should be conducted to ensure proper functionality and connectivity. This includes verifying the integrity of power connections, checking for any cable faults or misalignments, and confirming that the JPDE is distributing power effectively to the connected components.

Grounding and Physical Arrangement

  • The board is grounded by connecting it through a sheet metal bracket to the underlying back base, which often functions as the system's functional earth (FE). The physical location of the JPDE board within a panel isn't particularly critical.
  • Connector P1 serves to transmit feedback signals to a board hosting a PPDA I/O pack, while Connector P2 receives feedback from other power distribution boards.
  • The signals from P2 are then passed out through Connector P1 to the PPDA. When planning cable connections from JPDE to a board containing PPDA, it's important to carefully consider the routing of the feedback cable between JPDE's P1 connector and the P2 connector on the receiving board to ensure optimal signal transmission.


  • When jumper JP1 is installed, the JPDE facilitates the inclusion of 6 k voltage-centering resistors, connecting from both positive and negative DC to the local earth connection.
  • Removal of JP1 results in the disconnection from earth. Insert JP1 when intending to center a floating DC bus on earth.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VIe requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS400JPDEG1ADC?
It is a power distribution board developed by GE under the Mark VIe series.

How many power supplies can be used with JPDE for creating a DC power system?
JPDE can be effectively used with either one or two power supplies to establish a DC power system, catering to terminal boards and other system loads.

How is the DC power system floated, and what role do the grounding resistors on JPDE play?
To float the DC power system, the grounding resistors on JPDE are utilized to center the bus on earth. This configuration allows for the detection of ground faults through the PPDA bus voltage feedback system.

What is the significance of jumper JP1 in the setup involving JPDE and the grounding resistors?
Jumper JP1 plays a crucial role as it must be properly placed to connect the centering resistors to earth. This connection is essential for the effective functioning of the grounding resistors and the system's ability to center the bus on earth for fault detection through the PPDA.