IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator

IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator

World Of Controls understands the criticality of your requirement and works towards reducing the lead time as much as possible.

IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

To avail our best deals for IC3600SVDD1D - GE Calibrator, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Part No.: IC3600SVDD1D
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: Calibrator
Series: Mark I and II

The IC3600SVDD1D is a gas turbine calibrator for the Mark I-II gas turbine management system. The first two Speedtronic Mark series are the Mark I and Mark II. General Electric, or GE, invented the Mark series. Mark products are meant to manage and automate the processes of gas turbines.

  • A metal plate is attached to the card's left side. There are four components on the plate. A white cable links a red button to the printed circuit board. On the surface of the PCB, there are three potentiometers. These potentiometers are spaced out along the length of the board in a line.
  • There are several transistors in the card. The form of several of these transistors is spherical, black, and silver. Three metal oxide varistors, or MOVs, are located on the right side of the printed circuit board of the PCB. These MOVs are round and red. They are arranged in three pairs of two on the board.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is IC3600SVDD1D?
The IC3600SVDD1D is a gas turbine calibrator for the Mark I-II gas turbine management system.

How to Obtain IC3600SVDD1D?
World of Controls provides turbine control products worldwide. Contact WOC.