IC3600SCBB1 - Terminal Card w/components

IC3600SCBB1 - Terminal Card w/components IC3600SCBB1 - Terminal Card w/components

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IC3600SCBB1 - Terminal Card w/components is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600SCBB1 - Terminal Card w/components comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part No.: IC3600SCBB1
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: Terminal Card
Series: Mark I & II

IC3600SCBB1 is a Terminal board developed by GE under Mark I and II series. These were the first two systems in the Speedtronic Mark series to be produced. In 1968, the first Mark I was installed in Long Island, New York. Since then, the Mark series has been in charge of gas turbine control all over the world. The Mark series is dedicated to maintaining and automating the safe and efficient operation of gas turbines. Each Mark I panel contains about 50 printed circuit boards.

  • On the right edge of the IC3600SCBB1, a long line of metal prongs are aligned. These metal prongs were created to connect the PCB to the rest of the Mark system's components.
  • On the IC3600SCBB1, forty tiny metal pieces are stacked in rows. These metal components are cube-shaped. They assist in the integration of the board into the Mark system. Pairs of these metal cubes are joined together by seven short white wires.
  • At the upper edge of the board, one red wire can also be spotted. This wire is also used to connect two elements. On the board, there is a little red diode. The diode is attached to a wire that connects two metal components.

The most extensive assortment of Turbine control components can be found at World of Controls. Our professionals are standing by to help you with your GE Fanuc needs. Please contact WOC right away if you require any additional information.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is IC3600SCBB1?
IC3600SCBB1 is a Terminal board developed by GE under Mark I and II series.

How to Obtain IC3600SCBB1?
World of Controls provides IC3600SCBB1 as well as other turbine control products. Contact WOC.