IC3600KRSD2 - Relay Card

IC3600KRSD2 - Relay Card IC3600KRSD2 - Relay Card

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IC3600KRSD2 - Relay Card is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600KRSD2 - Relay Card comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part No: IC3600KRSD2
Manufacturer: General Electric
Function: Relay Card
Series: Mark I & II
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacturer: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IC3600KRSD2 is a Relay Card developed by GE. It is a part of Mark I & II control system. The Relay Card is designed to facilitate control and monitoring functions within the Mark I & II control system. It is responsible for managing relay-based operations that are integral to the overall control and safety of the system. Relays are electromechanical switches used to control electrical circuits. The card includes a set of relays that can be used to open or close electrical contacts, making or breaking connections as needed. These relays are pivotal in control processes.


  • Designed to seamlessly integrate with other components and modules of the system. This compatibility ensures smooth and efficient operation within the broader control framework.
  • The Card is expected to meet high standards of reliability and durability, ensuring its performance in demanding environments.
  • The component offer options for customization. This allows users to configure the card to meet the unique needs of their systems.
  • To ensure continued reliability and performance, maintenance and support services may be available for the Relay Card. This includes periodic inspections, repairs, and access to technical assistance.
  • In industrial and power generation environments, safety is paramount, ensuring the safe operation of equipment and processes by controlling critical electrical connections.

System Start-up

  • The turbine control panel is a critical component of a power generation system, responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of a turbine. It incorporates various control loops that work in concert to maintain optimal turbine performance. These control loops are essential for regulating key parameters and processes.
  • Start-up Control Loop: The start-up control loop is an integral part of the turbine control panel. It operates as an open-loop system, working in conjunction with sequential control circuitry during the turbine's startup phase. Its primary function is to carefully manage the initiation of the turbine, ensuring a safe and controlled process. During startup, it sets and protects preset fuel levels, preventing abrupt or excessive fuel flow that could potentially damage the turbine. Additionally, this loop establishes the minimum and maximum limits on Variable Control Electrons (VCE) once the startup phase is complete.
  • Load Turbine Speed Control Loop: The load turbine speed control loop plays a pivotal role in maintaining the desired rotational speed of the turbine. It modulates VCE, which serves as a reference for the fuel control loops. By adjusting VCE, this loop regulates the fuel flow to the turbine, ensuring that it operates at the desired speed under varying load conditions. This control is essential for optimizing power generation and preventing speed fluctuations that could affect the overall system stability.
  • Temperature Control Loop: The temperature control loop is responsible for regulating and maintaining the turbine's temperature within safe and predefined limits. It monitors the temperature closely and adjusts VCE accordingly to control the fuel flow. This precise temperature control is crucial for preventing overheating or underheating, which could lead to turbine damage or inefficient operation.
  • Nozzle Control Loop (For Two-Shaft Turbines): In the case of two-shaft turbines, an additional nozzle control loop comes into play. This loop modulates Nozzle Control Electrons (NCE) to control the High-Pressure (H.P.) speed of the turbine. By adjusting the angle of the nozzle, it can finely tune the H.P. speed, contributing to overall system stability and performance optimization.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is IC3600KRSD2?
It is a Relay Card developed by GE

What are relays, and how are they used in the Relay Card?
Relays are electromechanical switches used to control electrical circuits. The Relay Card includes a set of relays that can open or close electrical contacts, effectively making or breaking connections as needed. These relays are crucial for various control processes.

How does the board ensure compatibility with the control system?
The board is designed to seamlessly integrate with other components and modules of the control system. This compatibility ensures smooth and efficient operation within the broader control framework.

Can it be customized to meet specific system requirements?
Yes, the Relay Card offers options for customization. Users can configure the card to meet the unique needs of their control systems, allowing for flexibility and adaptability.