IC3600EPZU1 - Power Supply Board

IC3600EPZU1 - Power Supply Board IC3600EPZU1 - Power Supply Board

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IC3600EPZU1 - Power Supply Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600EPZU1 - Power Supply Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part No.: IC3600EPZU1
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: Power Supply Board
Series: Mark I and II

IC3600EPZU1 is a Power Supply Board developed by GE. These were the first two Speedtronic gas/steam turbine management controllers. They're both meant to limit turbine output to within the unit's capabilities, sequence parameters during startup, provide a precautionary shutdown in the event of a non-recoverable system failure, and monitor and annunciate problems.

  • It is designated EPZU separately from its board identification number and has the identifiers 006/01 and 002/01. One of the edges has a number. One fuse, four diodes, and two wire wound resistors make up the IC3600EPZU1. 2147902 10K 5% 10W and 2147901 1K 5% 10W are the model numbers.
  • It has one polyester vinyl capacitor with the markings 2Q78 10F +/- 10%. Nine aluminum electrolytic capacitors are arranged in three lines of three. 30D + TE 1307 50F 50 VDC 105C + 9807H are the markings on these.
  • There is also one metal oxide varistor on the board, which is labelled MOV1 and is located in the middle of the board. Varistors are voltage-dependent resistors with diode-like voltage-current properties.
  • They are employed to safeguard electrical devices against high transient voltages, and when a strong current is produced owing to high voltage, they will short themselves out.
  • On one edge of the IC3600EPZU1, there are twenty-five pins. These pins are linked together when the IC3600EPZU1 is installed into a Speedtronic frame, allowing the board to interface with the rest of the system.

The most extensive range of GE control components can be found at World of Controls. Our experts are ready to assist you with your turbine control component requirements. Please contact WOC right away if you require any additional information.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is IC3600EPZU1?
IC3600EPZU1 is a Power Supply Board developed by GE.

How to Obtain IC3600EPZU1?
World of Controls provides IC3600EPZU1 as well as other turbine control products. Contact WOC.