IC3600EPSY1E - Fanuc Voltage Regulator Circuit Board

IC3600EPSY1E - Fanuc Voltage Regulator Circuit Board IC3600EPSY1E - Fanuc Voltage Regulator Circuit Board

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IC3600EPSY1E - Fanuc Voltage Regulator Circuit Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600EPSY1E - Fanuc Voltage Regulator Circuit Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part No.: IC3600EPSY1E
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: Voltage Regulator Circuit Board
Series: Mark I & II

IC3600EPSY1E is a Voltage Regulator Circuit Board developed by GE. General Electric's IC3600EPSY1E is a twenty-four-volt regulator circuit board from the Mark I and Mark II series. Two predrilled holes on the faceplate allow it to be bolted into place. The faceplate of the IC3600EPSY1E features four red auxiliary connections. Each of these terminals has its own label.

  • Two bright blue LEDs and ten diodes are employed to direct energy in a single direction in the board. One blue resistor, three large silver resistors, and thirty little resistors make up the PCB. The quantity of energy that these resistors can withstand is set.
  • Two dark blue Potentiometers, commonly known as Variable Resistors, are included in the board. A little silver screw on the front of these Variable Resistors allows an employee to adjust the amount of energy that travels through the resistor.
  • The IC3600EPSY1E contains a total of twenty-five metal prongs, commonly known as male terminals. The board is connected to the established system via these male connections.
  • Four silver transistors and eight black circular transistors are utilized to enhance or change electrical signals or electronic power in the board. Two small yellow polypropylene capacitors, one large yellow polypropylene capacitor, one average orange, and one large black PCB mount electrolytic capacitor make up the board. These capacitors produce an electrical field that is utilized to store extra energy for usage by the circuit board.

The most extensive assortment of Turbine control components can be found at World of Controls. Our professionals are standing by to help you with your GE Fanuc needs. Please contact WOC right away if you require any additional information.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is IC3600EPSY1E?
IC3600EPSY1E is a Voltage Regulator Circuit Board developed by GE.

How to Obtain IC3600EPSY1E?
World of Controls provides IC3600EPSY1E as well as other turbine control products. Contact WOC.