IC3600AIAD1B - Translating Isolator Card

IC3600AIAD1B - Translating Isolator Card IC3600AIAD1B - Translating Isolator Card

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Part No.: IC3600AIAD1B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Product Type: Translating Isolator Card
Availability: In Stock
Series: VersaMax

Functional DeNscription

IC3600AIAD1B is a Translating Isolator Card developed by GE. It is a part of Mark I and Mark II Speedtronic systems. It is designed for robustness and reliability, operating effectively in a wide range of environmental conditions. The Mark I and Mark II systems, in which this card is used, are known for their resilience and performance in extreme temperatures ranging from -50 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees Celsius. These systems have been deployed in remote piping stations, offshore platforms, and large industrial drives, demonstrating their capacity to handle challenging operational environments with precision and durability.

Internal Components

  • Coil Inductor: A coil inductor is incorporated into the design, playing a role in signal processing and isolation.
  • Potentiometers: Three potentiometers are included on the card, which allow for adjustments and calibration of various parameters to ensure optimal performance.
  • Relays: Two relays are featured on the card, each with specific markings 68A993075G1 0391 and 68A993076G1 1596. These relays are critical for switching and controlling electrical signals within the system.
  • Transistors and Heat Sink: The card includes sixteen transistors that are essential for amplifying and switching electronic signals. A heat sink is fitted around one of the transistors to manage heat dissipation, ensuring that the card operates efficiently and remains within safe temperature limits. This heat management feature helps to maintain the longevity and reliability of the card under various operating conditions.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark I and II requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IC3600AIAD1B?
It is a Translating Isolator Card developed by GE under Mark I and II series.

Why is electrical isolation important?
Electrical isolation helps prevent electrical noise and surges from affecting sensitive parts of a system, improving safety and system reliability.

What are the common components of an isolator card?
Common components include isolation transformers, optocouplers, and digital isolators.

How do you install an isolator card?
Install by aligning with the circuit, connecting input and output terminals, and verifying voltage and current settings.