DS6820PSMA1B1A - Power Supply Unit

DS6820PSMA1B1A - Power Supply Unit DS6820PSMA1B1A - Power Supply Unit

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Part No.: DS6820PSMA1B1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Temperature: -30 to 65oC
Product Type: Power Supply Unit
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark IV

Functional Description

DS6820PSMA1B1A is a power supply unit developed by GE. It is part of the Mark IV control system. This PSU is integral to ensuring reliable operation of the control system by providing consistent power to its components. The unit has the capability to deliver a stable 10 ampere current at a maximum of 250 volts. The Mark IV system, known for its advanced control capabilities, relies on such power supply units to ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation in demanding industrial environments.

Display Functions Switches

The six Display Functions switches, labeled F0 through F5, are strategically located on the right side of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) screen (see Figure 2-3). These switches are referred to as soft keys because their functions are dynamically assigned by the software associated with the specific CRT display (refer to Chapter 3 for more details). Each switch's function is clearly displayed on the right side of the CRT screen, right next to the respective Display Functions switch.

Here is a detailed view of the Display Functions switches and their roles, particularly within the Alarm Display mode:

  • NEXT PAGE (F0): Pressing this switch will display the next page of the Alarm List, allowing users to navigate through multiple pages of alarm information.
  • DIAGNOSTIC ALARM (F1): If diagnostic alarms are present, pressing this switch will bring up a list of Diagnostic Alarm messages, providing detailed information on any system issues.
  • (blank) (F2): This switch is currently unassigned and does not perform any function in the Alarm Display mode.
  • ALARM LOCKOUT (F3): This switch locks the alarm in its current position on the display. This is useful for focusing on a particular alarm without it moving or being overwritten by other alarms.
  • ALARM UNLOCK (F4): Pressing this switch will unlock the alarm, allowing it to be repositioned or replaced by other alarm messages as necessary.
  • ALARM ACKNOWLEDGE (F5): This switch acknowledges all flashing alarms. Pressing it will clear the visual indication of the alarms, indicating that they have been seen and addressed.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark IV requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DS6820PSMA1B1A?
It is a Power Supply Unit developed by GE under the Mark IV series.

What does the NEXT PAGE (F0) switch do?
The NEXT PAGE (F0) switch allows you to navigate to the next page of the Alarm List on the CRT display. This is useful for viewing additional alarm information that may not fit on a single page.

What happens when I press the DIAGNOSTIC ALARM (F1) switch?
Pressing the DIAGNOSTIC ALARM (F1) switch displays a list of Diagnostic Alarm messages if any diagnostic alarms are present. This provides detailed information about system issues.

What does the (blank) F2 switch do?
The (blank) F2 switch is currently unassigned and does not perform any function in the Alarm Display mode.

How do I use the ALARM LOCKOUT (F3) switch?
Pressing the ALARM LOCKOUT (F3) switch locks the alarm in its current position on the display. This prevents the alarm from moving or being replaced by other alarms, allowing you to focus on a specific alarm.