DS3820SVRB - Servo Voltage Regulator Board

DS3820SVRB - Servo Voltage Regulator Board DS3820SVRB - Servo Voltage Regulator Board

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DS3820SVRB - Servo Voltage Regulator Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: DS3820SVRB
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark IV
Product Type: Servo Voltage Regulator Board
Number of channels: 12
Operating temperature: -30 to 55 degrees Celsius
Size: 8.25 cm high x 4.18 cm
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 2 lbs
Country of Origin: United States


DS3820SVRB is a Servo Voltage Regulator Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the Mark IV Series used in GE Speedtronic Gas Turbine Control Systems. A Servo Voltage Regulator (SVR) board is an electronic device used to regulate and stabilize the voltage supplied to electrical and electronic equipment. Its primary function is to ensure that the output voltage remains within a specified range, even when the input voltage fluctuates. The SVR board typically consists of the following components:

Voltage Sensing Circuit: This part of the board constantly monitors the input voltage and provides feedback to the regulator circuit.

Regulator Circuit: The regulator circuit adjusts the output voltage by controlling the amount of power delivered to the load. It uses the feedback from the sensing circuit to make necessary corrections.

Output Circuit: This part of the board delivers the regulated voltage to the connected equipment.

WOC maintains the largest inventory of Replacement parts for GE Speedtronic control systems. Additionally, we offer warranty-backed unused and rebuilt boards as well as board repairs for your damaged ones. For your OEM needs, our team of professionals is available around the clock. We at WOC are happy to help you with any needs you may have in terms of automation. Please contact our team by phone or email for pricing and availability on any components and repairs.


What is a Servo Voltage Regulator (SVR) board?

A Servo Voltage Regulator board is an electronic device designed to regulate and stabilize the output voltage to ensure it remains within a specified range, even when the input voltage fluctuates.

Why is voltage regulation important?

Voltage regulation is essential to protect sensitive electrical and electronic equipment from damage caused by voltage fluctuations, such as overvoltage and undervoltage.

Where are SVR boards commonly used?

SVR boards are commonly used in industrial settings, data centers, medical facilities, and any environment where voltage stability is critical.