DS3800NPSJ1B1A - Power Supply Board

DS3800NPSJ1B1A - Power Supply Board DS3800NPSJ1B1A - Power Supply Board

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Part No.: DS3800NPSJ1B1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Temperature: -30 to 65oC
Technology: Surface-mount
Product Type: Power Supply Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark IV

Functional Description

DS3800NPSJ1B1A is a Power Supply Board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark IV control system. The Mark IV control system marks a significant evolution from its predecessors, embracing a microprocessor-based distributed control architecture that introduces novel capabilities for on-site maintenance and swift return to service. This departure represents a fundamental shift in turbine control technology, offering turbine users a promising prospect of enhanced system availability.


  • The display system, a departure from traditional dedicated meters and annunciator light boxes, has garnered positive reception for its comprehensive and well-organized presentation of information.
  • Operators appreciate the system's configurability, which allows them to tailor displays to their specific needs, and the inclusion of a hard copy option further enhances operational efficiency.
  • Design flexibility enables it to cater to a diverse range of applications while maintaining standardized hardware. This standardization not only streamlines manufacturing processes but also simplifies diagnostics and maintenance tasks. The system's adaptability ensures that it can seamlessly integrate into various operational environments, providing robust performance and reliability across different turbine applications.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark IV requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DS3800NPSJ1B1A?
It is a Power Supply Board developed by GE under the Mark IV series.

How do I navigate to the specific constant I want to change in system settings?
Navigate to the page containing the constant you wish to adjust on the 'control constants' display. Use the cursor to select the desired constant.

How do I modify the selected constant?
Once you've selected the constant, press the INCR or DECR soft switch buttons. INCR increases the value, while DECR decreases it. This action allows you to adjust the selected constant as needed.

Can I see an example of what the control constants display looks like in adjust mode?
The system display provides a visual representation of how constants are presented and adjusted within the system.