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DS215TCPAG1AZZ01AGD - Mark V PCB is available in stock which ships the same day.

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Part Number: DS215TCPAG1AZZ01AGD
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Product type: Mark V PCB
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

DS215TCPAG1AZZ01AGD is a Mark V PCB designed and developed by GE. It is a part of Mark V control system. Mark V Gas Turbine Control System utilizes a configuration featuring three 16-bit microprocessor controllers with triple redundancy. It employs a two-out-of-three voting system for critical control and protection parameters and incorporates Software-Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT) for enhanced reliability and robustness.

System primary operator interface

  • The primary operator interface (I), consists of a color monitor, keyboard, cursor positioning device (CPD) (that is, a mouse, a trackball, or a touch-screen monitor), printer(s), and central processing unit (CPU). These items are collectively referred to as the I. These devices are connected to the Mark V Control Panel via an ARCNET cable. The devices can be located in the installation�s central control room or a gas turbine�s control compartment.
  • One I can be used to control as many as 8 gas and/or steam turbines; also more than one I may be used to control a turbine. The operator can thereby select the units he wishes to monitor or issue commands to. All I s are capable of issuing commands to a unit at any time while communicating with Mark V Control Panels.
  • Using the I, commands may be issued to the turbine and driven device (for example, START, STOP, COOLDOWN ON, AUTO, RAISE SPEED/LOAD, and so on) and displays may be accessed to view the status of the turbine and driven device (for example, ALARMS, WHEELSPACE TEMPERATURES, VIBRATION FEEDBACK, and so on). The associated printer(s) enable the operator to manually select and copy any display, to automatically log selected parameters, and to log alarms.
  • I performs no control or protection functions of the turbine and driven device; it is a means of issuing commands to the Control Panel and monitoring unit operation. Turning the I off, turning the computer on, re-booting the computer, or disconnecting or reconnecting the ARCNET cable linking the Control Panel and the I (while the turbine and driven device are operating) will have no effect on the Control Panel or unit operation.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is DS215TCPAG1AZZ01AGD?
It is a Mark V PCB designed and developed by GE

What is the primary operator interface (I) in a gas turbine control system?
The primary operator interface (I) consists of a set of essential components, including a color monitor, keyboard, cursor positioning device (CPD), which can be a mouse, a trackball, or a touch-screen monitor, printer(s), and a central processing unit (CPU). This collection of devices is collectively referred to as the I.

How are these operator interface components connected to the control system?
These operator interface components are typically connected to the Mark V Control Panel via an ARCNET cable. They can be located in either the installation's central control room or a gas turbine's control compartment.

Can one primary operator interface (I) control multiple gas and steam turbines?
Yes, one primary operator interface (I) can be used to control as many as 8 gas and/or steam turbines. Additionally, more than one I may be used to control a single turbine.