404X737G04L1PL1J - Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter

404X737G04L1PL1J - Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter 404X737G04L1PL1J - Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter

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Part Number: 404X737G04L1PL1J
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter
Input Voltage: 24V DC
Power Consumption: 10W to 50W
Storage Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
Size: 8.25 cm high x 4.18 cm
Isolation Voltage: Up to 1500V
Number of Channels: 8, 16
Input Voltage Range: 0–24V DC
Output Voltage: 0–24V DC
Input Type: PNP/NPN
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 2 lbs
Country of Origin: United States


404X737G04L1PL1J is an Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter manufactured and designed by General Electric and used in GE Speedtronic Gas Turbine Control Systems. Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter supports high-speed communication protocols like EtherCAT, CANopen, or PROFIBUS. These protocols facilitate rapid and reliable data exchange, enabling real-time feedback and adjustments. Additionally, the module often supports flexible configurations, accommodating both digital and analog inputs and outputs to suit a variety of devices and sensors. Its compact design not only saves space in control panels but also simplifies system integration by reducing the complexity of wiring and setup.

WOC has the largest stock of OEM Replacement Parts for GE Speedtronic Turbine Control System. We can also repair your faulty boards and supply unused and rebuilt boards backed up with a warranty. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your OEM needs. Our team of experts at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. For pricing and availability on parts and repairs, kindly contact our team by phone or email.


What is an Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter?

An Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter is a device used in industrial automation systems to manage, convert, and synchronize input/output signals for multi-axis motion control applications. It acts as an interface between controllers, sensors, actuators, and motors.

What is the maximum number of I/O channels the module supports?

The number of I/O channels supported by the Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter can vary based on the model. Many devices are designed to handle a flexible range of I/O channels, with some models supporting up to 64 I/O channels.

What is the operating voltage of the Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter?

The Integrated Axis I/O Module Converter typically operates with a 24V DC power supply. This is the most common power requirement for industrial automation devices, providing a stable and efficient source of power for the module's operations.