3500/44M - GT Vibration Monitor

3500/44M - GT Vibration Monitor 3500/44M - GT Vibration Monitor

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Part Number: 3500/44M
Manufacturer: Bently Nevada
Series: 3500
Product type: Aeroderivitive GT Vibration Monitor
Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x241.8 mm
Weight 0.91 kg
Direct signal: 4 Hz to 30 kHz, -3 dB
Power consumption: 7.7 watts, typical
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

3500/44M is a Aeroderivitive GT Vibration Monitor designed and developed by Bently Nevada. The Aeroderivitive GT Vibration Monitor is a four-channel instrument intended for use with aeroderivative gas turbines. It constantly monitors machinery by comparing monitored parameters to configured alarm setpoints in order to generate alarms. It transmits critical machine data to both operations and maintenance personnel. Aero GT I/O modules communicate with Velomitor sensors and accelerometers via Bently Nevada interface modules. The monitor communicates with our via the Prox/Velom I/O. You can configure the Aeroderivitive GT Vibration Monitor for the following filter options using the Rack Configuration Software: 1X vibration tracking, Signal Integration, Vibration with a bandpass.


  • The GT Vibration Monitor accepts two separate Keyphasor signals as input, allowing each channel pair to use a different tracking filter. Multimode channels can be configured with up to eight sets of alarm parameters, including alert and danger setpoints and alarm time delays.
  • Each set can be tailored to a particular machine mode. The monitor can switch to a specific set as the machine changes modes by using contacts on multimode I/O modules or software commands via a communications gateway.

Front Panel LEDs

  • OK LED: The prominent OK LED stands as a beacon of assurance, casting a steady light to signify the seamless operation of the Aeroderivative GT Vibration Monitor. Its unwavering illumination confirms that the monitor is functioning optimally, ensuring the stability and reliability of the monitored system. This LED serves as an instant indicator of operational health, instilling confidence in the system's performance.
  • TX/RX LED: The TX/RX LED, a dynamic light in the visual array, plays the role of a communication sentinel. When illuminated, it signifies that the GT Vibration Monitor is actively engaged in dialogues with other modules residing within the 3500 Rack. This interplay of signals indicates the synchronized exchange of vital data, depicting a collaborative ecosystem where modules seamlessly converse to ensure comprehensive system understanding and decision-making.
  • Bypass LED: In the realm of contingency, the Bypass LED takes center stage. Its illumination serves as a transparent announcement that the Monitor has transitioned into Bypass Mode. This mode, often activated during maintenance or system adjustments, allows for specific operations to be temporarily overridden. The Bypass LED acts as a clear visual cue, signifying that the monitor has deviated from its standard operational path while ensuring the system continues functioning, albeit with temporary modifications.

Other Features

Buffered Transducer Outputs

  • The front of each monitor has one coaxial connector for each channel.
  • Each connector is short-circuit protected.

Output Impedance

  • 550 ohm

Transducer Power Supply

  • 23 Vdc nominal at 43 mA max


  • +4 to +20 mA
  • Output is proportional to monitor full-scale.
  • One output is provided for each channel.
  • Monitor operation is unaffected by short circuits on recorder outputs.

Voltage Compliance (current output)

  • 0 to +12 Vdc range across load Load resistance is 0 to 600 ohm.


  • 0.3662 µA per bit ±0.25% error at room temperature
  • ±0.7% error over temperature range Update rate 100 ms or less

Alarm setpoints

  • Within the realm of comprehensive monitoring, the ability to establish alarm setpoints stands as a cornerstone of proactive management. The Aeroderivative GT Vibration Monitor, equipped with sophisticated configuration software, empowers operators with the capacity to define both Alert and Danger levels for various measured values. This dynamic feature serves as an early warning system, enabling timely responses to emerging scenarios.
  • The differentiation between Alert and Danger levels underscores the nuanced approach to monitoring. Alert levels act as the preliminary checkpoints, signifying deviations from the norm that warrant attention. These settings provide operators with a heads-up, allowing them to evaluate the situation and make informed decisions before critical thresholds are breached. Danger levels, on the other hand, signify situations that demand immediate action due to their potential impact on system integrity or performance.
  • The power of customization comes to the forefront with the utilization of configuration software. This software acts as a digital canvas on which operators can paint tailored monitoring strategies. By interfacing with the monitor, operators can pinpoint the exact values to be monitored, associated with each measured parameter. This fine-grained control translates into a monitoring framework uniquely aligned with the intricacies of the system being observed.
  • The versatility of the alarm setpoints resonates in their adjustability from 0 to 100% of full-scale for each measured value. This breadth ensures that the monitoring system remains adaptable to a wide spectrum of operational contexts. Whether monitoring temperature, pressure, or other variables, this scaling capability accommodates diverse monitoring scenarios, fostering precision in system oversight.
  • An essential caveat surfaces when dealing with cases where the full-scale range exceeds the transducer's capabilities. In such instances, the transducer's range becomes the limit to which alarm setpoints can be adjusted. This calibration accounts for the physical limitations of the transducer, maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between the monitoring system's capabilities and the inherent constraints of the hardware.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your Bently Nevada requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is 3500/44M?
It is a Aeroderivitive GT Vibration Monitor designed and developed by Bently Nevada.

What is the purpose of the 3500 Internal Barriers?
The 3500 Internal Barriers offer a simple and cost-effective solution for installing all types of transducer systems in a hazardous area. They are fully compatible with the 3500 System and are an integral part of the system that will not degrade its performance.

What type of transducer systems can be used with the Internal Barriers?
Most Bently Nevada transducer systems that have full hazardous area approvals and are matched to those of the 3500 Internal Barriers can be used with them.

What are the safety requirements of the North American and International Standards for the system?
The design of each component complies with the strict safety requirements of North American and International Standards, both individually and as part of a system, eliminating the need for a system designer to refer to individual certificates to verify component compatibility.